Little! Taehyung 4

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They all watched as Coolio began explaining.
"Y'all will go into groups." They nodded "but I will be picking who is going to be with who. But one of you will have to be by themselve." The nodded again. "Namjoon and Jin. Jungkook and Jimin. Hoseok and Yoongi. Taehyung by yourself."
Their eyes widened. Taehyung can't be by himself!
He might slip at anytime!!!
Jin began to panic a little as he looked around at the younger members.
Taehyung had teary eyes and he was clutching his shirt.
Jungkook was biteing his bottom lip, Jimin doing the same. Namjoon ran his hair through his hair and bounced his leg. And Yoongi pulled Taehyung to his chest.
"You start tomorrow." Coolio stood up from his chair and walked to the door. Once he was out and he closed the door, Taehyung instantly began wailing. He stomped his feet and shook his head.
"Taehyung calm down. Please. Maybe we can ask if we can take you into our group, okay?"
Taehyung nodded but didn't stop crying.
Jin grabbed Taehyung and Carri him to the bunk beds. He set him down and covered him with a big fluffy blanket.
"Sleep Tae Tae." Jungkook said.

I'm sorry, but I have no idea how to continue Little!TaeTae.
So maybe you can think of things and put it in the comments and I can put that into the next chapter. You don't have to but still.

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