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mythical creatures, supernatural powers, you name it all, humans doesn't believe in them until one day, when Vampires and Witches were in a war. Every impossible and unbelievable creatures were spotted and was took down by the scared humans and it was all because of the Bloody war.

Big foots, Yetis, Fairies, Elves and many more were captured and some ran away. Every creatures has their own rules but there is an only rule that every creatures have, the universal rule.

Rule that everyone must follow:
          To never fall in love with other
          creatures except for what type you

Everyone must follow that rule, it was impossible back then until an ordinary Vampire fell in love with the Princess of the Witch's realm and had a baby girl named, Jeon Eunha.

Jeon Hani, the Princess of the Witch's realm luckily survived giving birth to their baby Vamitch and lived a happy life with her husband, Jean Eunwoo and with their children.


"Jungkook!" Eunha shouted, running across the living room while chasing her little brother, Jeon Jungkook. That little brat! How dare he took my food?! no one dares to disturb a hungry woman!

"give me back my egg sandwich!" She shouted once again and this time, she successfully got a grip on Jeon Jungkook's wrist. Finally, i'll have my baby sandwich back.

"now, give it to me." the boy shook his head and gave Eunha a 'resting bitch face'. She's clearly done with THE Jeon Jungkook, he's been stubborn for the rest of his life!

Jeon Jungkook is a Vampire, A pure Vampire. No one knows how did that happened because their parents are not in the same kind. Maybe it's in their Father's blood? no one knows.

"no." Jungkook said as his eyes started to glow, a flash of color red was seen in his eyes as he uses his Vampire ability to get off from Eunha's grip. As of Eunha, She is now totally mad at his younger brother, all she cares is about her Sandwich on his hand.

"Mom said not to use powers in our house, no one is allowed to use their abilities inside of this property." Eunha glared at his younger brother while talking. Jungkook's getting into her nerves and she's going to fall from the madness cliff if Jungkook still doesn't listen to her.

"Mom isn't here, so, who cares?" He talked back. Wow, no manners I see... guess he needs some lesson, am I right?

"it looks like you have forgotten who you are talking to, Jeon Jungkook." Eunha's eyes began to glow while staring right into Jungkook's eyes. "all i want is to have my food back, my dear little brother. i don't want things like this to happen but young mister, i've been chasing you like for an hour just to have my last piece of sandwich back."

it's true tho, i've been chasing him for like an hour because he took it from me, all i want is to eat in peace for fuck's sake. A touch of Violet is seen in Eunha's eyes as she uses her powers to control Jungkook's movements, never knew a Vamitch can be this powerful.

she lift up her arm and gestured her hand to place Jungkook in front of her, not to forget that Jungkook is on his knees. "give me my sandwich." She ordered, Jungkook gave her her sandwich and took a big bite. "now apologize to me as if you really mean it."

"im so sorry, Eunha." He forcefully apologized, i'm so glad to have this powers, he can't even lift his own fingers. "Good boy Jungkook, want some treat? now go fetch!" Eunha laughed out loud as she took of her spell from Jungkook.

Jungkook clicked his tongue and glared at his older sister, "you're just lucky to have powerful powers." He rolled his eyes like a gay (no hates please this is just for fun) "Anyway, my friends are coming over." he told Eunha.

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