Part 1: The start of it all

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~Erza's p.o.v.~

I noticed that Lucy has been acting weird lately but is still her normal happy smiling self, she was hanging out with Natsu, Gray, Juvia, and Happy. Lucy was blushing as Natsu nudged her and it looked like the other three were teasing her.

"I wonder what they are talking about?" I asked Mira,

"Hmm... I don't know? But Lucy and Natsu would be such a cute couple, no?" Mira asked smiling,

"Yeah sure, whatever..." I mumbled and Mira looked at me puzzled, then she perks up with a glint in her blue eyes.

"Huh! No! You like-" Mira was cut off by the guild doors slamming open,

"Jellal? Why are you here?" I asked,

I heard a growl, I looked over at Lucy and her teeth were bared. Jellal walked over to me and wrapped an arm around my neck,

"Hey Erza~ How have you been~" he asked in a flirty tone,

I rolled my eyes "Good, how about you Jellal?" I said trying to be nice,

suddenly I felt something latch onto my arm and I heard a quiet growl, I turned my head to see Lucy shooting daggers at Jellal.

"Hey Lucy-"

"Leave" she said emotionlessly,

"Wow cold!"


"Oh come on Lucy-"

"Leave" I heard Lucy repeat again. (Love Tyrant reference, episode 10)

"You better do as she says, when Lucy's mad she's practically the devil" I hear Mira say from behind me,

"Well since it's coming from the she-devil herself I'll listen, bye Erza~" Jellal leaned and kissed me,

My eyes widened and the guild gasped, soon as quick as lightning there was a flash of blue and yellow. Jellal was pinned up to the guilds wall... with Lucy's hand on his throat, and his feet weren't touching the floor.

"Don't you dare put your dirty lips on my best friend!" Lucy growled,

Jellal nodded lightly and fell to the ground gasping for air. He left the guild but not before waving and winking at me,

"GO!!!" Lucy yelled and Jellal left the guild.

The guild cheered "Go Lucy!" she smiled and walked over to me, she sat down on the bar stool to my left and asked cheerfully for a strawberry milkshake. 'Her mood changes so quickly, one moment she has Jellal pinned against the wall choking him and the next she's smiling and laughing' I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Elfman walked up to me "Erza I have a question for you.." he drifted off and started sweating, I saw Lucy shooting daggers at him "I-I'm not scared! I'm a real man! Real men never get scared!" he roared and walked away.

'I wonder what he was gonna ask me?' I turned to Lucy but she had a peaceful aura and was happily talking to Mira like nothing ever happened. I raised my eyebrow at her, she turned to me with a quizzical expression "Something wrong Erza?"

"Nope, just gonna tell you I was leaving" I lied.

She nodded and her face looked disappointed but soon got up and went over to Natsu, I lightly growled when she sat close to him and slightly snarled when he put and arm around her shoulders, "Bye Erza!" Lucy said smiling.

I nodded my head and left the guild to go to Fairy Hills, I felt like I was being followed but when I looked behind me I didn't see anything. I shook it off and got to the apartment building, I got to my main room and opened the door.

I heard giggling but it soon stopped, I raised my eyebrow and continued walking farther into the room.

"No offence Erza but I like Lucy's place better" Natsu said sprawled on my bed with his hands behind his head, wait... Natsu?!

"Man, I really like your shower Erza!" Gray said stepping out of the bathroom in a towel,

"Erza! Juvia is hungry" I turned to see Juvia laying on the couch whining about being hungry,

"Aye sir!" Happy says flying above me,

"Cake is done!" I hear Lucy say as she walks out of the kitchen and sets down the cake. I see the boys, Juvia, and Happy surround the cake, I turned to Lucy and she giggled.

~Nobody's p.o.v.~

"Lucy, why is everyone hear?" Erza asked the slightly psycho blonde mage,

"Well... you break into my apartment all the time! I just thought it was fair!" Lucy said smiling and her eye was twitching slightly,

"Let's eat!" Lucy said and clapped her hands,

"Oh yeah! That's right! Happy, Gray, Natsu, and Juvia has just remembered that we need to leave! Juvia bids a farewell!" Juvia said and smirked at Lucy who blushed.

Juvia dragged them out of the room leaving Erza and Lucy by themselves. Lucy walked over and plopped down next to Erza and leaned on her.

"Lucy?" Erza asked,

She looked at the blonde who was breathing at a steady pace. Erza sighed

"She fell asleep..."

Erza picked up Lucy and carried her to the bed, she gently placed her on the bed. Erza walked around the bed to the opposite side, she laid down next to Lucy and covered them with a blanket. Erza requipped out of her armor and started stroking Lucy's hair, slowly falling asleep.

Little did Erza know was that Lucy was awake the whole time,

'That's right Erza, you're mine and only mine'

Lucy turned over and snuggled into Erza. Lucy's eyes turned red and a fang stuck out of her mouth she licked her lips...

....'And no one can have you'....

What's Wrong With Lucy? (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now