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As Breezylight slowly opened her eyes she felt a cold surface underneath her. She was surrounded by cries and swears of ponies around her. Breezylight hopped off the ground. "Huh!!! Where am I??!!"Breezylight said shockingly. She notice that she was in some sort of cage, there were a couple other ponies in there too. A crimson maned filly was sitting in the corner of the room, crying. A bunk bed was next to the filly. There was a dark blue stallion looking through the cage and a wooden table behind him. There was two other stallions, a light blue coated earth pony and a white coated pegasi. Breezylight noticed her horn felt strange. She touched it then noticed there was something on it. She tried to teleport but her spell wasn't working, she tried to take it off, but that wouldn't work either. Breezylight started walking to the dark blue stallion and noticed he was a unicorn with the same strange thing on his horn. "Um... Hello???" Breezylight said. The stallion glanced. "Your finally awake, you've been in a coma for almost a day"The stallion said. "I was??? Wow"Breezylight said. Breezylight started being curious on where they are and what is the thing on their horns. "What's the strange thing on our horns???"Breezylight asked. " I don't know what they call it, but it prevents us from levitating or teleporting"The blue stallion replied. "Where are we???"Breezylight asked. "In the Rainbow Factory" The blue stallion replied. "The Rainbow Factory???"Breezylight said questionably. "My name is Safari, by the way, what's your name???"The blue stallion asked. "I'm Breezylight"She replied. Safari looked back at the same direction of the cage from earlier, then glanced at her again. "Hmm... I still wonder why your an alicorn"Safari said. "Oh yeah, I was born like this"Breezylight said. Breezylight glanced at the filly then started facing the same direction Safari was facing. "So... Why are we here???"Breezylight asked. "Well... It's hard to explain to somepony your age"Safari said. "I can take it"Breezylight said. "Well... You see..."Safari was interrupted by a loud noise that's coming from the ceiling. Safari looked down at the ground. "Their bringing more..."Safari murmured. "More what???"Breezylight asked. Safari turned to her. "More ponies..." Safari replied.

My Little Pony Crossovers (AU): Life in the Rainbow Factory [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now