All because of the buttons!

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I woke up and saw Y/N snuggled up next to me. I carefully got up and tried not to wake her up. I walked over to a picture of me and took it off the wall. The I took the picture of a button off the wall and reveal a lever and pull it. A wall opens up showing a hidden room. "At last, I will be complete again! Muahahaha-" "HEY TORD!" Edd says... greats it's Edd! "Ah! Hello Edd... This is just my old... Ehh! Laundry room!" I say nervously and pick up a sock and put it on a gun rack. "Okay... Oh look! Buttons!" Edd says, "No no no! Don't press that!" I say but I'm to late. Edd has pressed the button! "Did someone say buttons?! I love buttons!" Matt runs in and says.
I heard a lot of noise and walked over to see Edd and Matt pressing buttons and Tord seems pissed! I walk in the room and stare at the guns. I grab one, "Please don't touch that!" Tord asks me, I just laugh. "I can handle a gun! I've kill people before! Plus girls have better aim!" I say and Tord just stares at me, then I realize what I said. He probably thinks I'm a yandere or some crap! Tord laughs, "Your holding it wrong!" Tord says, "HA! Like you could do better!" I say, "I'll show you!" Tord says. He stands behind me and grabs my waist with one hand, then uses the other hand to put the back of the shotgun on my shoulder.
I see that Tord is showing Y/N how to use a gun! Creep love!! It's adorable! I show Matt and we walk out of the room. I turn around to see Matt walk back in the side room and scream "Y'ALL TWO FUCK EACH OTHER I WANT GRANDCHILDREN!!!!"
After I heard what Matt says I blush. Tord looks down at me, "I mean if you want to I'm always up for adult time in the bed-" I cut Tord off by elbowing him in the stomach. "You don't get these kisses for free!" I sing.

(Author Note: I was able to write this!! Is this what success feels like?!?! Any way this is where I got the "You don't get these kisses for free!"⬇️)       Author~Chan out

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