You are who you are

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         I know there has always been a time in life when you are like damn I wish I looked like her. Or damn I wish I was her. There is something that is always wrong in you.....that's what you think. And you think why is my nose like that or why do I look like that. Or why are my eyes like that.

            There's always something you notice about yourself that you hate. Some people it gets to the point that they completely hate their self's for it. And you look in the mirror and you can sit there all day naming your flaws. But the sad part is that you name all your flaws and you forget of your true self.

               Of how pretty you can be you become insecure and you try to hide yourself. And that's not cool being insecure because you have no clue of what you could be. You are scared and forget about what you could do about yourself. And you are stuck thinking you are ugly and you can't get that out of your head.

              And truth to be told that sucks. I would know cuz I used to think the same thing I'm of course not gonna tell you my sob story cuz that's not cool. Anyways at the end of the day you are who you are. You can't change yourself.

               Everyone is beautiful no matter what. There will always be a person that tells you that you are ugly. That you are this or that. But guess what? That's okay because that shows how much they care about you.

               I mean there are those days when you ain't looking to cute but its okay......that's how it is. You should have a lot of confidence in yourself and think you are beautiful no matter what. And forget what all the other people tell you. Because at the end of the day you are you. There is no one like you. You are unique in your own way. At the end of the day you are who you are!!!



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