➡Red Strings

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It was the day before our official debut as wanna one. Everyone was trying to recuperate from the exhausting week we had. The last thing we need is.

🎶Oneul bam juingeong Eun

Nayana! Nayana!🎶

I almost cried as I covered my ears with my pillow.


These guys are cruel....

It's supposed to be our "rest day".

Just... One last day before our debut.

🎶Pick me~ Pick me~

Pick me. Pick me. Pick me. 🎶

Uncontented, they even raised the volume. I almost cursed upon hearing it.

I barely slept for an hour! Are they trying to kill us?

As I turned to the side, something beside me rolled below the bunk.

"Argh!" Woojin shouted as it hit his head. He was sleeping in bunk below mine."Aish!" Woojin said as he kicked his blanket. "Who sleeps with a pineapple?"

I pulled my blanket over my head and pretend to be asleep.

They woke up and saw that the apartment covered with red strings.

They woke up and saw that the apartment covered with red strings

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"What's that?" I can hear Jisung-hyung talking from my room

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"What's that?" I can hear Jisung-hyung talking from my room.

"What's that?" I can hear Jisung-hyung talking from my room

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