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New York is the "city that never sleeps". Or if you were to ask me New York the city that is a pain in my ass. The city that is supposed to recognize the true talent. Instead, I am starting to believe it is the city that crushes dreams.

My thoughts run away with my daily ramble as I wait for my coffee in Starbucks. And of course it is taking twenty minutes and I am running late for my Friday night sushi with the girlfriends. They crave attention and they refuse take in the fact that I have a job and I need sleep, they come first in their minds.

Trying to keep myself occupied while I wait I listen to a couple arguing a couple of tables away from where I am standing. As stupid as it sounds they were arguing over who gets to make their dinner. They both agreed to make tacos, but now it is a big deal on who is going to make it. Lame.

I try to analyze the situation a bit more. A dumb blonde who likes to please any man she falls in love with and a brunette who is fit. He must really like sports. They make a perfect couple, that sickens me.

Outside of the small coffee shop there is a series of loud honks and people shouting. Oh New York, you are so... Loud. I glance at my watch and notice that it is six o'clock. I am officially late and I am going to get an earful from the girls.

"Um... Serafina? Your double expresso is ready!" My favorite worker, Rick, states loudly to be heard over the on going traffic outside.

I smile and walk over and try to grab my coffee from Rick, but unfortunately he has a case of the butterfingers today. So thanks to my terrible luck today my new, white blouse is now a nice shade of coffee. Lovely.

My mouth falls open as the rest of my coffee splattered all over the floor. Rick gets a stupid expression on his face as he rushes over to me with a handful of napkins. The couple watches us with laughter clearly written on their faces.

"Oh come on! Go back to stupid puppy love argument over food for God's sack! This is why you two have each other, so you don't annoy me with your laughter. So please turn away," I snap at the annoying couple.

Rick stutters on and on about how he will make me a new coffee for free if I want another one. The couple has left the shop with annoyance and I am looking at Rick like he is an idiot.

"I am running late, Honey. Don't worry about the new coffee, keep my money. Have a nice day Rick," I smile and take some napkins out of his hands in hopes to make him feel relieved.

And as I walk toward the door I think of the movies. Most New York love stories start this way, but not for me. I am just a twenty-two year old girl who has a crappy job at a run down publishing office with dreams of being an actress. While Rick is a twenty-seven year old that smells of day old coffee beans and has greasy hair. He also still lives with his mother and works at Starbucks at night.

With that being said I run out of the shop knowing I am not Cinderella and I am never going to find my Prince Charming. I live in the real world. I am work for little pay. And last I am just Serafina, I am not special.

My little, black car waits in the parking lot for me. It is a very dependable car. I unlock it and hop in it rubbing furiously at the coffee stain. I sigh in frustration. My phone starts ringing like crazy on my dash.

I grab it and answer with a simple,"Hello, who is this?"

The caller has a smile in his voice as he replies,"Hello, this is Chris Harrison, the host of The Bachelor. Is this Serafina Rose?"

My mouth drops open as I remember my best friend submitting an application for me to be a part of The Bachelor. She told me not worry. I was a little tipsy from all the tequila I had been drinking that night so I didn't question anything she was doing. I didn't think I would be picked to be a contestant in the show either.

"Um... Serafina? Are you still there?"

I shake out of my trance,"Yes, I am sorry. My name is Serafina Rose, the one and only. What is the purpose of your phone call?"

"A few weeks ago I got an email of your application and interview. The producers were very interested in you. We would like you to fly out to California, on our budget of course, tomorrow morning and be one of the contestants in our show."

I frown,"Well, I am low on money. I work at the publ-,"Chris cuts me off.

"We know where you work. We will contact them and they will give you a month off for our show shooting. Are you still willing to join us? Everything is being paid for,your budget will not be affected one bit."

I nodded to myself. This is my chance to show the world who I really am. I look out at the New York streets, this may be where I live but I need an identity. I listen to Chris breathing patiently on the other end of the phone. I don't believe in finding love over a show, but what do I have to lose?

"Well, I have to get off the phone Chris. I have some bags to pack."

He laughs,"I like you. All the information will be sent to your email immediately on what you will pack, what you need, etc. Have a nice night Ms. Rose."

After we exchange good nights I hang up the phone and smile. A television show? This couldn't be so bad. I grab my phone to call up my girlfriends.

The plans we have for tonight are canceled. I have to pack. I am going to meeting my dream guy soon, the big screen...

~Author's Note~

This is my new story. I need to know you like this so can I get at least three votes and two comments before I add chapter one? Hint Chapter One is called: Love At First Sight. It is going to be good! 😊 Well I love you all and I hope you enjoy! Follow, Vote, and Comment please.

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