15 - warm welcoming

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"Good job, baby..." Jungkook murmured to himself after watching the whole thing happening from the nearby building's roof. He was staring down at his lover, watching her every move, missing her even more.

"I'll come back for you." He said, before jumping down the building just to grip onto the rope attached to the helicopter above. He would have took her now but he wanted them to finish his little game. It wasn't part if his plan to save her yet. But he would be observing her every movement.

"Tell us, how come you know so much about Aera?" Taehyung asked the older again. "I just heard a lot about her, okay? Nothing to be wasting time on."

"Are you sure that's all?" the younger was pouring gasoline into Seokjin's, already set on fire, nerves.

"I said, it's nothing to be wasting time on." the older speaking through clenched teeth.

"Come on, leave him alone." Namjoon stopped the overheated conversation between the two.

"Let's move on to Gotham city, find those bombs and get this crap over with."

"First we need to rescue agent HTCL1." Jimin reminded, not really giving a fuck what would happen to that agent if the stupid nano bomb wasn't inside his neck. Colnel Koi grabbed their attention when he started walking off. His men following.

They passed by the destroyed buildings, seeing some dead bodies, included children. Namjoon sighed loudly, making Aera turn her head towards him. "Children.." Taehyung came up behind the two. "Those poor children." he said.

The criminals looked away, ignoring the corpses around them. They walked for a few minutes before Colnel stopped walking, making Hoseok and Seokjin bump into each other.

"Why did we stop?" Deadshot approached Koi, looking towards the building in front of them. "Is this it? is your agent in here?" Koi nodded as a reaponse to Namjoon's question.

"Then Let's g- OH MY GOD!" The blonde haired criminal which had now approached Namjoon and Koi interrupted himself as something caught his attention. Aera. Inside the fucking elevator of the building, going upwards. She waved them to come inside the building and follow her when Seokjing and Hoseok were already running after her.

The criminals were supposed to hate each other but the surprisingly didn't.

They not only got along but they had a weird bond. none of them talked about it but they felt it. They were the black sheeps crowded by white ones and in moments like those, they needed to stick together.

"Kookie, are you there?" Aera asked through the earpiece, hoping someone would give her a signal that she was being heard.

She was known as the lunatic one that never felt pain in any way but that wasn't true. She felt pain, just not the way others did. She only felt pain when it came to Joker.

She could hurt so many times physically but it would never be compared to the pain she would go through if Jungkook would stop talking to her. He was her weakness. A weakness that can kill.

Whatsoever, when she didn't get a reaponse, her heart sunk. The elevator made a loud bing signaling that ahe had reaches the top floor. Before the doors opened, she adjusted her clothes and plastered a smile on her face.

"Boys, took you long enough." She looked at the exhausted males which had just ran up the stairs to the top floor. The female slung her arm over Hoseok's shoulder, walking with him ahead of the others.

"Let's just go and find that agent." Jimin sighed, watching the female lead the way towards the only door that was still closed on the other side of the hallway.

Before she could even touch the door knob, the door exploded. Aera and Hoseok were thrown back by the explosion.

The criminals ran up to them, worried while Koi just worried about one thing. Whatever was inside that room. Koi ran inside, shouting something they didn't even bother to try to understand since they had now a slightly injured Aera and an almost passed out Hoseok laying on the floor.

Aera just giggled wickedly. "This wasn't a warm welcoming now, was it?" She mumbled, grabbing her gun, as if she could sense a fight coming up.

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