11 - I'm sorry

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Dedicated to dylm18ention a user

"buggsssshhhhh" the sound of the shattered guitar.

both of them look at the shattered guitar beside them.

Dara tried stand but failed to making her land on Yeol again.

"Oops. Sorry"

Yeol then supported her so that they could atleast sit on the floor. Yeol looked at his broken guitar.

"Sorry" Dara pleaded.

Yeol exhaled deeply. And lowered his head like he had been defeated.

-- 12 years ago--

After Dara tore Yeol's bag Chen did catch her. Chen guided her to stand.

Yeol didn't know where he should get angry at is it because Dara tore his bag or is it because Chen catch Dara.

"Dara are you okay?" Chen manage to make Dara stand but Dara was just looking sorry at Yeol.

Dara was so guilty of what she have done that tears started to form on her eyes.

"Yeol let's go!" Sehun called Yeol. Yeol started to ignore Dara and started to follow Sehun and his friends who would hang out somewhere.


That night Dara didn't see Yeol he usually played on the terrace with his guitar. Early in the morning Dara even tried peeking on her window to know what Yeol was doing. She's still guilty of what she have done.

Dara sighed. "should I buy him a new bag?" Dara thought.

Dara went outside their house.

"Good morning Dara" Grandpa Kim greeted Dara, He was watering the plants early in the morning.

"Good morning Grandpa"

Kyungsoo, who was hiding behind the bush, suddenly appeared who was also watering the plants with grandpa.

"Woah! You startled me!" Dara said to Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo's face look serious like, he is looking at Dara like she had done a crime.

"I heard you tore my brother's bag?"

Dara smile embarrassingly "Yes..."

kyungsoo move his from left to right like he was really disappointed with Dara.

"It's okay Dara you can just sorry to him." Grandpa said.

later on Yeol went outside the house. He was wearing something jersey shorts like his going for a jog. Dara saw him and she got her own idea.

The moment Yeol went outside their lawn Dara run towards him to.

"where are you going?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I'm going for a jog too!" Dara replied.

"In pajamas?" Kyungsoo again asked. Dara didn't even wear shoes.

Grandpa Kim just laughed.

Dara followed Yeol. She is now panting Yeol's jogging seems like running to her since Yeol have a really long leg. They were now on the park. The moment Yeol stop to walk Dara run passed him so that she could lead the way and so that Yeol could notice her.

Dara was on her pajamas and slippers some other people who are exercising them just looked at her. Dara didn't bother.

Now that she's now walking ahead of Yeol Dara thought she could say sorry now. But Yeol started to jog again and was about to pass Dara, Dara notice so she speed up and run ahead of him.

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