Part 4

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"That movie was amazing!"
"Right!"I said
"Wanna go home now?" I said
"Yuh"melo said

*skip car ride*

(In front of arianna's apartment)

"Hey I had a really fun time" I said
"Ya we will do this again soon!"He said

I jumped out of his car and waved him good bye.

I turned around and ran back over to his car

"YeS" I said emphasizing the S
"Here" He said
He slide me a little piece of paper and drove off

It was his phone number!

With my heart beating out of my chest I walked up to my floor: 163 on the 8th floor.

I walked out of the Elevator and the next thing I noticed I was on the ground.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry dog." I heard a males voice.
He grabbed on the my waist with one hand and the other hand on my wrist pulling me up.
"Don't worry bout it." It's fine I said well he was pulling me up.

He pulled me up and he look me in my eyes and damnnnnn he was fineee.

"Damn shorty you fine as hell." He said
"Nice to met you to!" I said well we both laughed historically.

"I'm nick but everyone calls me nahmir."

"I'm arrianna but everyone called me air."

"You live here?"he asked

"Yeah what bout you?"I said

"Nah. I came here to visit a old friend." He said

"Well come hang out with me."I said

"Wow! Your inviting a stranger into your apartment!!??!?"


I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door holding it wide open.

"Bitch you coming in or no." I said

"Ya I'm coming." He walked in and I closed the door behind him.

"Sooooooo"He said while sitting on my couch of my apartment.

I locked the front door and sat on the opposite side on the couch he was on.

"So nick tell me about your self?"

"Don't call me nick." He said with no expression.

"Isn't that your name?" I said

"Yeah but everybody calls me nahmir." He said

"Well am I everybody?" I said in a historical question kinda way

"No but we just met." He said
"And I Don't even know you!" He said

"So then let's get to know each other" I said

He sent me a 1 million dollar smile that made me heart warm.

So we began to talk and ask each other questions and to be honest I feel like I know him so well.

*3 hours later*
"Shit, it's 3:37 AM!"  I said looking at my phone.

"It's Sunday to." He said

"Omg I have my first day of school at UCLA tomorrow!!!" I said while jumping up and down

Nahmir grabbed me and picked me up bridal style

"OMG LET ME GO!" I said laughing so hard.

"Where the fuck is your room." He said

"Wouldn't you like to know" I said with a wink.

He finally found my room and throw me on the bed and I didnt wanna fuck or anything freaky I'm not the girl.

But to my surprise he tucked a blanket on top of me and tucked me in

"What are you doing?" I said giving a little giggle

"Good night beautiful" he kisses me on the head and grabs one of the meany blankets on me and puts one on the carpet floor and he walked out of the room and 1 minute later he had 3 pillows from the living room couch.

He places the pillows on top of the blankets and laid down.

"Good night!" He said

"Are you sure you wanna sleep there?"

"Yeah I'm cool down here, plus your carpet is sooooo soft." He said

"Good night." I said

*next morning*

I wake up feeling happy and excited.
I look over and see nahmir not there.
I walk out of my room to the Kitchen and everything started to go black.

I was passed out cold

What's gonna happen next?

Stay litty gang

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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