A love trip

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The trip Imagine: part 1

"Thanks! Thank u soo much!! " u say as U pay the cab driver and give him a very generous tip 4 getting u 2 the concert early enough 2 get a good spot. U and ur friend rush inside the building and see the boys signing autographs and cd covers and girls arms, trying 2 make their way back stage while the paparazzi swarm all ovr them trying 2 get pics of the boys. Ur friend gets excited wen the boys walk ur way and she bumps ur hip, hard enough 4 u hit Niall tht he hits the wall nxt 2 him and rubs his shoulder. "I'm Sooo sry!!"u say as he starts 2 walk away. He dosent hear ovr the loud screams from the girls as they surround Harry b4 he can leave backstage with the rest of the boys.Harry walks out of the crowd toward u guys and a plan 2 get back at ur friend forms. U bump ur friends hip and she shrieks in surprise, trips ovr a long black power cord on the ground and smashes into Harry, both of them hitting a chair near the wall on the way 2 the ground. Ur hands immediately cover ur mouth in shock staring down at wht u'd done. "o my gosh" u whisper in shock "I'm so sry!" the door at the end of the hallway opens and u hear nialls voice "harrold!! Let's go I'm getting hungry! I want 2 eat some-" he stops seeing u again standing next 2 ur friend on top of a groaning Harry. "oooooooow!" Harry moans as Niall leans ovr him after picking up ur friend. "Harry wht happened!! Harry come on let's go get a doctor 2 see if ur ok" he tries to help Harry stand up but Harry falls back down to the ground letting out a cry of pain tht u can't help noticing sounds really cute. "I-i-im so sorry!" "Harry briefly looks up to glance at ur face b4 the rest of the boys come back out 2 help him backstage. "O. My. God" ur friend says looking shocked and starting to panick. "I know I know I'm really really sorry please don't hate me! I'm so sorry!" "no it's not u" she says almost without sound, "look behind u!" she squeaks. Suddenly someone grabs ur arm, and u whip around, face 2 face with an ugly security guard with zits and bumps all ovr his face. Gross. "let's go sweetheart, ur comin with me" he says and he's close enough to smell his foul breath tht smells like tobacco. Evn grosser. When u don't move he grabs u and ur friends arm and leads u out. Along the way people are shouting at u glaring and some trying 2 come after u screaming " U HURT MY HARRY IM GONNA HURT YOU!!!!!!" and security is having trouble keeping them in line. He takes u both 2 a police car and snaps hand cuffs on u and ur friend. Ur friend is yelling at him all the way to the station while u sit next 2 her crying silently. You've been waiting 2 meet the boys since u wer 13 and now ur 17. 4 whole years of waiting daydreaming kissing posters and following twitters. Four years. Wasted. Now they will never see me as a kind caring loving girl. They will hate me and probably nvr gonna want 2 speak 2 me again.

These thoughts are swirling through ur head as ur lead into a cell with one creepy man and an emo looking woman with peircings all over her body and covered in skull tattoos. U and ur friend look at the other 2 spots left open in the cell- one corner covered in urine and green gunk and a very old and moldy looking drain, that u would rather not sit near, and an corner with spit marks on the floor and blood stains all ovr the walls. U wrinkle ur nose as the smells hit u. On the side of the room with the emo chick it smells like BO, the side with the man smells like dried blood, and the 2 empty corners smell like mold and sewer water. U and ur frriend choose the side with spit marks and dried blood. Just as u sit u see the scaary looking man eyeing u and ur friend. "do u see tht creep staring at us?" ur friend whispers 2 u. "Ya it's really scaring me!" u say back and the man smiles a toothless smile at u.

"heeeeyy girly you a lookin' mighty fine in tht small littel drass of urs. Y don't on and ur friend come on ovr here and we can have some fuuuun!!!" "oh my gosh" u squeak and shirink back against the cell wall. "hahah HAA!!" he shrieks creepily then looks toward your friend. "hey gorgeous u and your friend are invited 2 a party-" the emo girl rolls her eyes "shut up u sound stupid leave them alone.. Besides you've already done it with three other girls today, thts enough!!" U feel like ur about 2 barf. "omg our cell mate is a RAPER!!!" u squeak out at ur friend. Her face turns pale "umm wht party do u mean?" ur friend asks just a little bit curious. "A PARTY IN MY PAAANTS!!" he yells and leans ovr and grabs ur leg pulling u towards him. "LET GO OF ME!!" u scream, trying and failing 2 kick him off of you. "AAAAAAHH HELP!!!" u scream as he clamps his hand over you're mouth and his starts 2 unbutton ur dress.

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