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( Minho's POV )

When Chan walked into the shop his eyes lit when he laid his eyes onto Jisungs. I didn't think much of it at first. But when Jisung became flustered when Chan called his name and hugged, I could feel a strange twist of my stomach. I couldn't bare to see the scene, I tried to continue my work but my eyes would drift to the two friends having contact. When Jisung took a break my eyes followed him and Chan to a booth. Chan put his hand on Jisungs shoulder, Jisung hates skin ship 

''he'll pull his hand off.'' I thought and turned around. 

My eyes drifted once again to the two, Jisung was holding Chan's hand on the table. I don't know why I couldn't handle the scene much longer. 

"Jisung! Your break is over come back and work since you haven't been here in ages!" I said sternly. 

"Yeah fine." He rolled his eyes, hugged Chan and walked back to the cash register.

"Seriously? You didn't have to do that I haven't seen him in awhile, you don't own me." He said glaring at me and walked away.

I sighed and walked back to work, "why is he mad at me, why do I care? He doesn't mean anything to me."  I thought.

( Jisung's POV )

"Seriously? You didn't have to do that I haven't seen him in awhile, you don't own me." I stomped off. "God, why did he have to do that, he has no reason to separate me from Chan. Why did I even listen." I said under my breath clearly pissed.

"I'm leaving first." I announced not expecting an answer.

I walked on the concrete pavement hearing only my footsteps. I plugged in my headphones.

"How much longing should fall snow."

"Till the spring day comes friend."

"Why this one of all the songs, this one comes on." I continued  listening  to the ballad while walking home. "I'm back!" I said walking through the door.

"Welcome home! Oh? Where's Minho?" Mrs. Lee asked looking around me.

"I guess he's still at work, probably doing extra." At this point I really didn't care about what he did. He was a real jerk earlier when he stopped me from my reunion I was still pissed.

"Well call him and say dinner is ready." Mrs. Lee said. 

"Alright." I opened my phone and dialed Minho's number.

"Beep, beep, beep. Sorry you call was forded to an automatic voi-" I hung up. This happened four times. "Mrs. Lee, he's not answering can you try calling?" I was getting slightly worried because he always answers immediately even when he's mad.

"Of course." She dials his phone number.

"Can you please put it on speaker?" I asked respectfully.

"Yes of course," "Beep beep." " Hello?" Minho, why haven't you answered Jisung's calls?" She asked him. "Oh, he called?" I was shocked when he had said that. 

"He didn't get my calls?" I questioned silently. 

"Well come home dinner is ready!" Mrs. Lee said. "I'll be there in about three minutes I was already on my way."

"Wait-" I was interrupted by the beep. He hung up. "That bitc-" I quickly stopped myself when Mrs. Lee looked at me knowingly. I smiled innocently. "That beautiful and wonderful person!"She laughed and walked into the kitchen.

I watched TV for a little before Minho had walked into the living room. "Hey, Minho-" I was once again cut off when he walked into the kitchen ignoring me. "Hey mom, this smells good can't wait to eat!~" He sniffed the air.

"What the hell was that?" I walked into the dinning room where they sat. "Come on now don't be shy." Mrs. Lee motioned me to sit next to Minho. I sighed and sat at my designated seat

Lunch was awkward and all three of us noticed "I'm going to my room I'm finished anyways, it was great." I stood up, put my dish in the dish washer and walked up the stairs. I sighed and was about to open my door. I felt a hand on my shoulder turning me around. "Minho. What do you want?" I said calmly staring at him.

 "Why are you mad at me?" He simply asked letting his grip go. "Hmm, I don't know maybe because you kind of ruined Chan and I's-" I was cut off by Minho. 

"Date?" I blinked and tilted my head.

 "W-what?" I laughed irritably "No excuse you, it wasn't a date, it was a small reunion. Even if it was why. Would you. Care?" I tried walking away as I was getting mad. Minho grabbed my arm and turned me around. 

"What?" I ripped his grip from my wrist and stepped back. "I-" "No I really don't want to hear it. Leave me alone Minho. Don't talk to me you royally screwed my entire day." I scoffed and walked to my room and closed the door.

( Minho's POV ) 

I watched his back as he walked away. "I wanted to say sorry." "Why am I like this, what's wrong with me? Why would I care if it was a date." I emphasized the would. I sat on my bed and put my hand through my hair in frustration and confusion.  A single tear fell down my cheek and more, and more followed soon after. "What the?" 

I tried wiping the visible tears away and shrugging off the sadness and emptiness I could feel. I decided to go on a walk and to ignore it. I ended up sitting down on a familiar bench and started to sob in the sorrow that I didn't know why I had. I folded my legs to my face trying to cover the tears and puffiness of my eyes. I could feel slight drops of rain and soon fall into hard rain like a waterfall.

"What's wrong with me? Why am I crying?" I said aloud. I no longer felt the hard rain. I could hear it above me but couldn't feel it. I lifted my head revealing a figure in front of me. " Jisung?"I felt the tears fall more when I saw his bright smile. 

"Why are you crying?" He emphasized the a. I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't hold it in any longer. "Jisung I-" 

He pulled me into a tight embrace and I cried into his shoulder dampening his already slightly wet shirt. He patted my back and rubbed my hair.

 "I'm sorry too, I didn't know I hurt you so much." He said having no intention of pulling away from the hug as he still managed to hold the umbrella above me.

"It's my turn to comfort you when you need it."  Those few words made me realize now. "I like you Han Jisung." 


I'm so sorry for not posting yesterday, so I decided to update every other day. So I won't be updating tomorrow but on Saturday so good luck! And OMG I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE PEOPLE READ THIS. It gives me so much motivation when you comment and read this. I also have bad writers block. 


I'm Planning on making another fanfiction but I will continue this one. What do you think should I post the new one to see if you would like it or no?

-Luhanie <3

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