Chaper 4

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Lila lifted her head up off of her brothers sheets wipe omg the crusted spit from her mouth and she pouted. Then a idea came in, Lila lunged up from the bed and grabbed Adams phone that was laying on the dresser where she put it the night before. It had 15 missed calls and 163 unread messages. " 15 missed calls and 163 unread messages and there all from his no good idiotic friend group." She swiped up his phone trying to attempt to unlock his phone. "What was his password again... oh yeah he didn't give it to me cause he needs "privacy" what a nerd." After many attempts Lila three the phone across the room out of rage. She huffed and tried to think. Maybe his birthday? Maybe his girl friends birthday? Maybe the day he graduated? There were so many possibilities. "Let's try his birthday first" Lila put in the passcode "INCORRECT PLEASE TRY AGAIN" "Damn phone I HATE YOU." She typed in her mother's birthday and it was correct "what a weirdo" she went through this phone and a messages popped up

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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