I didn't know how else to name this subject so I just named it what it is. I have always considered suicide as a perfectly legitimate option for any situation. That's just how I am. It's not necessarily that my life is way worse than anybody else's, it's just that death would be a lot easier. Does it shock you that I said that? It shocked me the first time I thought it. But it's very true. I think people are always thinking that by living in this world that we can try and make it a better place or something, but it's never gonna be good enough. I think a lot of people get that though, and so they hope for something like heaven or something. But what if death is heaven? I mean, heaven is a perfect place with no worries right? That literally is death. No worries. No pains. Nothing. Maybe that's really the goal. Maybe that's the best place to be. I think that's why I would even consider suicide, because why deal with any of my problems if with one move I can rid myself of them. I dunno, that's just me.