Sam's P.O.V I walk in to a house and see that there are 5 boys standing the middle of the room.
Sam:sooo, are these boys staying with us ? Jack: not exactly.
Gabbie:what do you mean?
Corbyn:were your neighbors
Christina:yeah, by the way these are the boys there's zach,jack,corbyn,Daniel, and Jonah.
Gabbie:we're is my room?
Sam:yeah I'm tierd,I wanna sleep *Sam giggles*
Christina:speaking of rooms I actually made them for you, you each have your own room and i decorated them and everything.
Sam:wow , I'm lucky to have a friend like you.
Christina brings the girls to their roomGabbies room
Sam's roomChristina:I also added some "why don't we" posters.
Gabbie and Sam:thank you
The girls get their stuff and unpack and the both take a little nap.Gabbies P.O.V
I walk into a house with boys standing in the middle of the room and out of the corner of my eye I see the curly headed boy. I look into his eyes and he smiles and I smile back. After that nap I get out of my room and see that Sam is still asleep. I go downstairs and I see jack.
gabbie:hi jack
gabbie:so,what are you doing ?
Jack:nothin I was just gonna up stairs to check on you.
Jack:Can I ask you something
"I'm scared what if jack is gonna ask me to be his girlfriend, I mean I'm only 17 hes 18 and yeah I guess I do like him but I'm not ready for that kind of stuff yet"
Jack:wanna go skating later
gabbie:oh, yeah sure
Jack:great see you at 6:00 ?
Gabbie:see you then
Sam:hey gabbie
gabbie:hey Sam, how was your nap ?
Sam:Good , Have you seen zach ?
Gabbie:No why ?
Sam:No reason
gabbie:you like him don't you
Sam:what no umm you like jack don't you
Gabbie:shut up
Sam:ha, I win
the new neighbors
FanfictionTwo best friends wanting a little change in their life so they both decided to move away from their hometown Florida and fly to Los Angeles.