Fiolee : Is it possible?

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Chapter 1~ Birthday invites

Fionna's POV:

Ring, ring. Ring, ring.

I pushed my pillow over my face in a depressing attempt to drown out the souund of the ringing phone.

Ring, ring. Ring, ring.

"Cake," I groaned as I rolled out of bed, "Why aren't you picking up the phone?"

I looked over at her drawer and saw she was sound asleep, despite the whining of the phone.

I let a sigh escape me and walked over to the ringing monstrosity, still in a daze from just waking up.

"Hello?" I said into the phone, purposley lacing my voice with anger.

"Fionna. Get to the Candy Kingdom ASAP," Prince Gumball addressed me in a serious tone, "We are under attack."

"Be right there!" I assured into the phone.

"Cake," I called over to my now awake sister, "help me get ready."

"Way ahead of you, darling," the cat sputtered, using her magical abilities to stretch her arms across the room to me.

She plopped my usual clothes into my hands and raced down the ladder to start the kettle.

I quickly stripped out of my night shirt, and did the clasps up on the bra Cake had readied for me; hurriedly putting on some new underwear as well. Next I pulled on my dark blue skirt, followed by my slightly off-teal shirt. I sat down on the edge of my bed and pulled on my just-above-the-knee-socks and was down the ladder to the kitchen in a flash.

When I landed at the bottom of the ladder, I slipped on my little black shoes and jogged over to the dining table to pick up the mug that Cake just slammed down. Downing the contents, I could only think of how I would need the caffiene during the fight.

Cake and I were raceing to the door, when suddenly she grabbed me by the hair and blurted, "Aren't you forgettting some things babycakes?"

Then it clicked in me. First off, she pulled my hair, which should be all tucked away in my Rabbit hat. Second, where was my bunny hat exactly? In my backpack, along with my sword and other things essentail for battle.

"Thanks for reminding me," I called out as I ran to get the items.

Upon exiting the house, I jumped on Cake's back and she began to stretch us to the kingdom, giving me time to put on my hat and get my sword ready for battle.

Don't judge me okay, but I sing a little song to my sword before battle. For good luck.

"Sweet little sword, your job is to smite

all of those, who question our might."

I sang softly to it just as we arrived.

I jumped off of Cake and sprung into action, anylizing what I was up against.

It was a scene from an old pre-war horror flick. A huge, hairy monster with tusks and wings. Looping around it trying to find a weak spot, I really got to see its back. Hairless. In fact, skinless. she could see its spinal cord and internal organs and bones.

"Found your weak spot," I muttered to myself before raising my sword over my head and charging.

I lept into the air, and jumped inside the beast, on a mission to find its core, or in other words, its heart. Cake and the banana guards were outside distacting it but my time in here was still limited. I climbed up a few of the discs of its spine until I reached my goal. I twisted my body at an angle, propelled myself through the rib cage, sword pointed forward and prepared for the impact.

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