Chapter 2~ The Vampire

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Chapter 2~ The Vampire

Still Fionna's POV:

I knew that it was nearing 9 p.m. so if I was going to head to his house, it would have to be now, and I'd have to be wearing a sweater. At this time of night in Aaa, I swear you could freeze to death.

I pulled on my red sweater that I kept on a hook next to the door, pulled my backpack on over it and started out to Marshall Lee's house.

What would I say to him upon arriving? 'what's up? wanna come to my birthday? you know, if you even care?'
At that point I was just being negative, due to the coversation with *ahem* a certain person. These thoughts didn't really help my development of what I was going to say to him. Knowing me though, I'd plan it out perfectly and then show up there anyways and wing it. The thought of this and how true it was made me laugh aloud.

"What in the lump, are you doing out here Fionna," a familiar voice broke through my laughter.

"LSP!" I said, confused and excited about his presence.

"Hey girl, where you heading so late at night?" the purple prince raised an eyebrow.

"Um, Marshall Lee's house," I disclosed, "What about you?"

"Omyglob same," he exclaimed, "TWINSIES! But what for?"

I blushed slightly, seemingly for no reason, "to invite him to my birthd-"

He cut me off, "Wow! Great minds thing alike, huh? I was going to ask him if he'd play a song for us at your party!"

I shook my head slightly, "LSP, was that supposed to be a surprise?"

"OH GLOB. Ugh, I am sooo sorry Fionna," he apoligized.

"It's aight, really. We can ask him together," I assured.

"Thanks babe. Okay lets go!" he said, smiling ear to ear.

Since we were walking (or floating in his case) and talking, we were pretty close to his cave now.
Upon arriving, I took mental notes on my surroundings. The cave was like a little cove in the side of a- well I didn't really know what to call it. It's far too big to be a hill, but way to small to be a mountain. That's besides the point though. Anyways, it was a house, in a little cave, in the side of a mountain-hill thing. There was a little bridge that led up to the porch that wrapped around the house. Underneath and surounding the house there was a sort of pond thing, hence the point of the bridge.

"Fionna what are you doing?" LSP said, tapping my shoulder.

"Umm, nothing," I brushed him off, " Just looking around."

We began walking across the bridge. It alarmed me how incredibly creaky it was, and I forced myself to pick up the pace. I did not want to fall into the murky waters that lay below.

At the door, LSP knocked first.
No answer.
Second, I knocked.
No answer.
Third, I knocked as hard as I could, without breaking the door.
No answer.

"Maybe he isn't home?" the purple prince offered.

Logical, in fact I hadn't even thought of it. A certain Plan B sounded so much better in my head though. I jiggled the knob, but it was locked. Time for Plan B.

I started backing away from the door, watching my step and stopping before I touched the railing, in fear of falling through it. I placed one foot slightly behind the other and got in ready position to run.

"What are you doing?" he questioned.

"Plan B," I said as I raised my fist forward and charged to the door, aiming just above the lock. Upon impact, my fist smashed right through the door and boy did it hurt. I was sure my knuckles were bleeding. Nevertheless, I began slamming my hand all over to find the lock.

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