Walk away

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Have you ever thought back to a single moment and wished you could change it? That you could go back and make sure you do anything but this one thing? Make sure something bad doesn't happen? I feel that way every time I think back to that night that stupid night. Everyone keeps "telling" me it wasn't my fault but I just can't helping feeling like it is.

It all started July 18th, on my 16th birthday. I was home with my dad and twin brother and we were blowing out our candles when Adam (my brother) asked if we could go out and celebrate just the two of us. And of course our dad said yes! It was our birthday after all, so I went upstairs and found a beautiful purple strapless dress and put it on. I walked over to the mirror and stared at the reflection. A blonde haired, purple eyed, short girl stares back at me. Everyone calls me galaxy instead of Alex because they say my eyes look like a far off galaxy waiting to be explored. THe only one who still calls me Alex is Adam. and I love it. I find my black flats and put light make up on nothing major or else my brother will yell at me. I walk downstairs and walk to the car with Adam. When we get to the club adam hands me a fake id.

"wait you didn't say anything about going into a club!" I say concerned. I'm not going in there.

"It will be fine Alex come on please?" Begs adam.

"FIne! Ugh! it's your birthday too" I say giving in, he's always doing stuff for me the least I can do is go to a club with him.

We get in easily and I walk toward the back accidently losing Adam. That's what I did wrong I should have stayed next to Adam he told me to stay close but I didn't listen I just wanted to get away from all the hot bodies. I looked around trying to find an opening and ran straight into a tall man, with light blue eyes and blonde hair. He was cute but had to be in his 20's way to old for me. I smiled down at me and offered a drink he held in his hand.

"n-no thanks I think im just gonna go get some air thank you though" I say avoiding eye contact.

"oh come on it's just soda I promise I didn't drug it or anything" I look back to tell if he's telling the truth or not and decide to take the drink, making the second mistake of the night. Before I know it everything is spinning and I feel myself being carried outside and placed on an old swing set. Who knew this was even out here, wait where was here?

i remember laugh as someone tickled me not even realizing they were taking my dress off and taking my underwear off as well. When I started to see straight I saw the tall man standing over me without pants and a knife in his hand. ANd I tried to scream but he covered my mouth telling me it would be better if I didn't struggle. I was so weak from whatever he gave me I couldn't really fight back as he inserted himself into me. I rememeber the pain and fear that surged throughout my body. He finally stopped and I took that chance to use the last bit of energy I had and ran, without thinking about grabbing my dress I ran and cried trying to find Adam, trying to find anyone. I screamed but it seemed like no one could hear me, I looked back and saw the man on my heels and then I was on the ground the struggled to get free again but it was no use he had me And put a thick cloth over my mouth and nose it smelt musty and I stared to get dizzy slowly closing my eyes against all my efforts to keep them open they closed anyway and everything went black

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