The Dream: Part 2

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It was almost as if she was living a nightmare. Her best friends in the entire world absolutely hate her. That was when she decided to do what she would normally do. She grabbed Caleb and pulled him backstage.

Sun-Hi: "Caleb! You have to tell me what I did wrong!"

Caleb: "Ok, fine! If you really want to know, it all happened ten years ago. Corki was just informed that another school wanted her to transfer and everyone who went to this school went off to Harvard and Yale, something she's always wanted. But, she turned it down because we had just gotten the band back together and a record label wanted to sign us. Only, they called you back and claimed that they only wanted you, not us. You were so overwhelmed by what you just heard, you didn't even care about us anymore. You ditched us in an instant to become famous and you never looked back. Because of this, Corki's grades began to drop and her father disowned her for this, so she moved in with Jodi and her family"

Sun-Hi: "Her grades dropped? That's not like her"

Caleb: "But that's what happened because she gave up her biggest dreams to be with us, to be with her friends, and you dropped us in a snap!"

Sun-Hi: "I am so sorry"

Caleb: "At least it happened eventually. If it makes you feel better, I missed you"

Caleb then left to get dressed for the show. Sun-Hi walked over to her dressing room, upset and hurt by the things she did. As soon as she opened the door, there he was.

"Linc, you're back" she exclaimed as she ran over to hug him

Linc: "There's my star! I wouldn't miss your performance for anything in the world. Now, you look sad. Anything wrong?"

Sun-Hi: "Actually...yes. I feel so awful for the horrible things I did to my friends. I wish I could take it all back"

Announcer: And now, a special reunion show from XO-IQ!

Sun-Hi: "I have to go. I'll see you after the show"

They all walk onto the stage and Light It Up begins to play. Only one small problem, Sun-Hi never rehearsed.

Corki: "Sun-Hi! It's your part, sing the first verse!"

Sun-Hi: "I can't! I didn't rehearse!"

Corki: "Oh my god! I can't believe you! Actually, I can believe because this is so like you! When will you ever put someone else's needs before yours, you DIVA!"

The music stops. All eyes are on Sun-Hi as Corki storms off the stage.

Jodi: "You know what, Sun-Hi? All of this is your fault. If you didn't act like such a bitch the entire time, none of this would be happening"

Sun-Hi just couldn't believe what she was hearing. Everything was an absolute nightmare. The audience was staring right at her as tears began to stream down her face

"I wish I could take it all back. I want a do over. Please! I want a do over! I want to take it all back! I want a do over, please!!"

The room felt like it was spinning and right there and then, she passed out onto the stage. Caleb and Linc ran over to her. Her vision became blurry and she could barely hear a thing. But there was only one thing on her mind. She did not want things to turn out this way. Not at all.

"I want a do over" was all that was running through her mind. Then it happened.

She woke up.

Her face and pillow drenched in sweat and tears. She looked over at the time on her phone. It was 2:30 AM.

Sun-Hi saw what happened in her dream and she looked back at how she acted when they started the band. Her dreams have always been about fame and world domination, her main priority has always been about her. But that changes today. Sun-Hi Song is now determined to act more selfless towards her friends. She is willing to put them first over herself. She needs to make sure that the nightmare she had never happens because all she could see was the unhappiness from her friends. Their lives were miserable because of her selfishness. But, now she is going to make sure that their dreams come true, even if it means giving up her chance at fame and fortune.

She then went back to sleep, happy knowing that she will be helping her friends the next day.

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