Wake up

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Lauren's P.O.V

We were driving around everywhere in hopes of finding Jonah... my heart was pounding that he might be on the side of the road. Or worse his dead corpse on the road. We headed east to see if Jonah or someone has seen him... after a while of driving around we come across this high way, with nothing around it. I saw a man on the side of the road, At first I didnt knew who it was until I examined him His shirt, face, hair.... JONAH!


Corbyn: Huh?


Corbyn stopped the car, I ran out from the passenger seat to see Jonah, lifeless but breathing, pale, full of scars. Tears flowed down my eyes in his sight, he's been through a lot and I wasnt there to hold him. I held him close to me, kissed his cheek and whispered to him...

Lauren: Hold on for me baby... I need you

He was too weak to move, Corbyn and Daniel went to me to see Jonah, they were in shock with his sight... his body was full of scars. They carried him back to the car and we drove to the hospital, I held his hand, tears didnt stop from flowing out of my eyes... his sight was scaring me, what if he doesnt survive?... my thoughts were going wild, my heart was pounding, tears run down my face... I couldn't bare this. Daniel's arms were opened wide for me, I gave in and cried on his chest, I needed comfort... I needed someone to be with me through this battle and that is the boys.

*3 hours later*

3 hours of waiting I couldnt help myself but fidget... I was walking around bitting my nails until I saw the doctor walk up to us, I had high hopes that he'll be fine...

Doc: You must be his girlfriend

Lauren: Yes... Yes I'm his girlfriend

Doc: I have a good news and bad news. Good news is he's fine but the bad news...

The others walked right next to me to hear what the doctor was about to say, my heart was pounding by his pause...

Doc: He's in a state of coma, he's severely injured, he isnt in a good state. So we prefer if he stays in the hospital, to get him checked until he wakes up... if you wanna see him now is a good time to go check up on him

I run inside the room, my heart sank to see Jonah. His face full of bruises, his arms full of scars, his lips all severe and his eyes not open to see me... I slowly went closer to him, trying not to cry at his sight, I gave up on trying and bursted out. I held onto his hand and silently cried, I whispered into his ear...

Lauren: Baby... baby hold on for me please, I beg of you... I need you, I need you next to me. I love you, wake up...

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