Chapter 3

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        I looked at the people around me, suddenly feeling very out of place.

        "You told me to wear this dress," I whispered. "Everyone else here is essentially wearing brown. I look ridiculous."

        "Stop communicating with me. People will think you're crazy, or they'll know something's up. You already sticking out because of your appearance." I snickered.

        "What are you talking about? I made myself look as old as all of these people. And of course, the wings are hidden."

        "Just keep an eye out for him, Elanor. You know what he looks like."

        "Yeah, yeah." I carefully scanned the crowd, keeping an eye out for the suspicious character. I was careful not to speak to anyone, simply nodding if a person did catch my gaze. The gala was almost over, and he still hadn't arrived. We couldn't have gotten false intel, had we? There was no way...

        And then everything happened way too quickly.

        I just caught his menacing eyes as he strolled in as though he belonged here... from the back. He twirled the golden cane in his hand one, then beat the guard in the head. People began to cry out and gasp as he grabbed an older looking man and slammed him down on one of the gala pieces. Very subtly, so that he wouldn't notice, I began to usher people out, panicked and unsure of what was going on. Out of nowhere, he pulled a silver device from his pocket, and as soon as it began to glow blue, he stabbed it into the man's eye. People screamed and began to run as I helped them out the door. For a brief second, I accidentally caught his gaze, and his serious expression turned to one of amusement.


        I bolted out with the rest of the people and tried my best to blend in with all of them.

        "Guys, he spotted me. Now would be a really great time for some backup." I got no response. "Guys?" The man emerged from the gallery, now in the attire we were used to seeing him in. His golden helmet curled around the back, and the green cape he sported flowed as though he had some sort of purpose in the world. A police car began to approach, but as soon as the man saw it, he blasted it away with some sort of blue beam. People began to run in another direction, but illusory versions of himself appeared all around the crowd, trapping them in.

        "Kneel before me," they ordered. "I said kneel!" I was forced to comply, if I didn't want my cover to be blown. I felt disgust wash over me as I got down onto my knees. "Isn't all this... simpler?"

        Where are they?

        "Is this not your natural state?" He began to make his way through the crowd, pointing out that menacing staff to get people to clear. "It's the unspoken truth of humanity. That you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity, you were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel." There was a shuffling, and we all looked over to see an old man stand up.

        No, no, no. I couldn't take control of him without giving myself away. I was likely already a suspicious character to Loki, but my eyes would turn red if I kept him down. I couldn't risk it, as much as I wanted to.

        "Not to a man like you."

        "There are no men like me."

        "There are always men like you." I balled my fist. This was so difficult... he was going to get himself killed. Loki held up his staff and smiled menacingly.

        "Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example." The blue orb inside the staff began to glow, and just as a blast was shot, someone jumped down and defended it.

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