Damian Robotnik Rose (The) Hedgehog

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(Authors note: I've left out certain details about Damian and his life, sense I'm going to use him in more then one story.
In each story the events that that happened in this bio will happen in Damians life but in each story they will happen in different ways and different times.
Oh and I might change the wording in some parts of the bio and add a few things as well.)

Damian is the biological son of ShadAmy and the adopted son of SonAmy. Also known as the son of SonAmyShad.

At one point in there lives Shadow and Amy were together.

While they were together they had a son whom they named Damian Robotnik Rose (The) Hedgehog or Damian Hedgehog for short.
The Robotnik part is in honor of Maria, sense that was/is her last name.

He is a male black hedgehog who looks just like Shadow ( his biological father)only difference is he has green eyes and pink stripes.

Damian has Shadows ( his biological father) mind, skills, strength, and powers; but he has Amys ( his mother ) heart, hammer, and deep love and admiration for Sonic.

Although the Way he loves Sonic is different from how his mother loves Sonic.

He also has a pair of hover shoes( or air shoes, or rocket skates if you prefer), limiters, and his own chaos emerald just like Shadow (his biological father).
He has guns and a motorcycle as well ,but he hardly ever uses them.

Damian knows about the lives, past, friends, and childhood stories of both his parents.
Although it did take some time before Shadow ( his biological father) was ready to talk about his.
Hearing his Amy's(his mother) stories inspired him to go on adventures of his own and travel the world when he is/was old enough.
Amy ( his mother ) also told Damian about Sonic, her love for him, and how he was ( and still is) such a big part of her life and her heart.

He is very close and very protective of his mother (Amy).
If anyone (inculcating Shadow and/or Sonic) ever hurts her or break her heart, he would /will become very dangerous.

Even at a young age Damian knew that his (biological) parents (Shadow and Amy) were never meant to be.
Part of him hoped that they would stay together but deep down he knew, somehow he knew his (biological) parents (Shadow and Amy) would part ways eventually.
When they did he was upset, but not surprised.

Damian loves his Shadow ( his biological father )with all his heart and respect him.
Despite that fact, he hates it when Shadow ( his biological father) does questionable stuff even if its for good reasons.
As a result it sometimes causes tensions to rise between them, much to Amy's ( Damians mother ) displeasure.
Sometimes Damian  will do questionable stuff as well, but unlike his( biological )father ( Shadow ) he will mostly do it as a last resort or if there isn't any time to find another alternative.

The stories his mother ( Amy), her friends, and other people told him; along with the fact that the way Sonic does things is in some ways ( if not a lot of ways )opposite of how his father ( Shadow) does things is what lead Damian to develop his deep admiration and respect for Sonic.
Well that and seeing how happy Amy ( his mother ) was / is when she is talking / thinking about Sonic.

Even going as to refer to him as " my hero " just as his mother did/ does. Much to Shadow's ( his biological father) displeasure.

As Damian got to know Sonic, his respect and admiration for him increased, even after seeing and acknowledging all of Sonic's flaws.
And strangely enough seeing all of Sonic's flaws made Damian respect and admire him even more.

Once Sonic and Amy got together ( or got back together) he couldn't give his approval fast enough, and once Sonamy got married he was overjoyed.

Eventually he came to love and respect Sonic as his second father.
After the Sonamy wedding he started to call Sonic dad/ father.
Shadow is and always will be his father and Damian will love and respect him as such.
But now he will have / has two fathers in his life, both of which he loves with all his heart.
And also a mother( Amy) whom he loves and respects more then either of them.
Damian specifically calls Shadow father and Sonic dad so that there's no confusion.

At one point in there lives, Sonic and Damian both got hit hard with a lot of chaos energy at the same time.
When that happened Damian absorbed some of Sonic's DNA and in doing so he obtain super speed just like Sonic, and he became known as the second fastest thing alive.( Authors note: If I find out that Chaos energy doesn't work that way then I'll change this part.)

He is/ became faster then Shadow but still slower then Sonic.
Damian also got a blue mark on his face and body(like Kratos's red mark in god of war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jugFCrXe5Y4) as a result of getting hit hard with Chaos energy at the same time and place as Sonic.
He still has the black fur with pink stripes and white chest fur as well as the orange muzzlehe was born with , but now he also has a blue mark.( Authors note: If I find out that Chaos energy doesn't work that way then Ill change this part.)

50% of his DNA is Shadow's, 30 % is Amy's, and 20% is Sonic's..( Authors note: If I find out that Chaos energy doesn't work that way then Ill change this part.)

Damian also has the ability to channel Chaos energy into his hammer and shoes.( Authors note: If I find out that Chaos energy and/ or Amy's hammer doesn't work that way then Ill change this part.)

One day Damian finds a whitish pink Chao(that has pink, black, and blue stripes; and also one green eye and one red eye) while he was out exploring. He finds out that the Chaos colony was destroyed by Eggman and decides to take him in.

When he did they instantly became friends. Damian convinced his parents( Shadow, Amy, and in some stories Sonic) to let him adopt the Chao as a pet. Although Damian prefers to think of him as his friend and bother rather then a pet.Sometimes Damian even calls him "little brother". After Damian adopts him, he names him Hero.

This is Hero's bio if you want to know more about him. https://www.wattpad.com/575676358-hero-the-chao

Damian loves/ likes chili dogs Almost as much as Sonic.

Damian ( like his mother / Amy) can be very emotional especially when it comes to his friends and family. Despite that fact he ( like his father's Sonic and Shadow) tends to ( and is very good at ) hide his true feelings about certain things. Much to Amys ( his mother ) displeasure.

( Authors note: Everything in this section of Damian's bio is stuff that will happen in some stories but not all stories.
Also it's to answer any questions anyone might have about Damian. Any questions I haven't covered yet, please ask and ill explain. However I'm going to leave certain details out since it will be different in each stories .)

Damian is very protective of his siblings and tries to be a good role model for them.
Even the older ones.
He loves all his siblings equally; full siblings, half siblings, and step siblings alike. (That is of course if he himself is not the oldest and if he has any siblings.)

After ShadAmy parted ways Shadow met someone new and eventually married her.
Damian was/ is very happy for him however it took some time for him to get used to the idea that his ( biological) father ( Shadow ) falling in love with someone new. He was comfortable with it but it took some time for him to get used to the idea of having a step mother.

Damian was very happy to have Sonic as a second father but he had / has mixed feelings about having a second mother.
Never the less Damian accepts and respects his fathers( Shadows ) choice and his step mother.

(Authors Note: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy Rose, Shadow the Hedgehog, or any of the Sonic Characters.
All rights go to Sega, The Sonic Team, and the Archie comic.
I also do not own Kratos or god of war, all rights goes to there makers.
Neither do I own the picture,
I came up with the idea and the character but Amelirosespeed made the picture.
I do own Damian, so please do not use or copy unless you give me credit.
You can use him if you want, but be sure to give me credit And as long as you Don't make him say or do anything out of character.)

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