Chapter 5

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Chae Yoon's POV

I slowly opened both of my eyes. Adjusting to the mere light of the room. I was lying on a couch, when I hear sudden noises. I was half awake, there were 12 men crowding around me. 12 dazzling pair of eyes staring at me. I couldn't say anything at all.

"Lu-ge is she awake?" A chubby cheeked man with pink hair asked Luhan.

"Seemed like it. Here you go." Luhan answered him directly and helped me sit up on the couch.

"W-what happened?" I looked blank and asked them while I scratch my nape.

"You passed out." A poker faced man answered me. He seemed familiar.

"Mwo? She passed out? When? Where? How did it happened?" A good looking man with black haired cut in.

"Isnt it too obvious hyung? She was like lying there for almost an hour and we were panicking like sht and you come to question that again?" The cute one with eye liner on butted in.

"Enough already!" I shouted. Which made them look at me.

"What are you guys looking at?" I mumbled seriously to them.

"You're funny haha." They all answered in chorus. "And cute too." The man with the goblin ears continued.

I havent answered any of them. I looked at them straight faced. I looked blank. I dont know whats going on.

"Here goes the soup hyung." A tiny man with wide owl eyes handed a soup to Luhan.

"Chill Chae. Were not gonna eat you tho haha. Since youre asking, you passed out awhile ago, after seeing the 12 of us. I dont know how but you did faint after that." Luhan explained calmly.

Wtf? Did I just passed out after seeing them? Am I joking?! Ha ha ha! How could this happen?! Jinjja? These thoughts were echoing on my head. The next thing I remember was Luhan feeding me. Before I could even take a sip on the soup, I looked at Luhan digging daggers on his eyes.

"Don't worry Chae. There's no poison on this soup. And we ain't gonna do that. Look, Kyungsoo's a good cook." Luhan again explained which made the rest of them laughed.

After I took a sip of the soup. Gosh what the heaven is this made of? I suddenly took the spoon and the bowl on Luhan's hand and feed myself on my own will. They were all staring at me, they were smiling as if they saw an angel. (im not conceited) I looked at the tiny man with wide owl eyes, and looked pleased at him. That must be Kyungsoo the one who cooked this. What magic or some kind of sorcery did he made this? Its so delicious!


Omg I burped infront of them! Spare me God! They laughed! I lay low my face towards the ground as I turned crimson red. I was handing the bowl with both of my hands. Still facing the ground. "Uhm. Go-gomawo for the delicious food!" I said so fast cos Im a bit shy. As I looked at Kyungsoo, I see him blushed.

Kyungsoo gave me a sweet smile and I did the same to him.

"Since Chae Yoon is awake. Let's introduce ourselves." The small man with parted white hair lead them.

"Im Junmyeon. Call me Suho. Im the guardian of Exo." He introduced to me and made a bow and I did the same. So he's Suho, he's the leader. The filthy rich one. Not bad for a 23 yrs old guy.

"Wat up? I'm Kris." The cold cool man introduced to me. So this is Kris, the Sex God. Gosh he's too bright. He's too perfect! *squeals* "So you're Kris?" I talked back at him in english. "Yes but talking is not my style." He answered in english. Leaving everyone wide eyed on the both of us not knowing what the hell were talking about and the both of us chuckled.

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