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In her dream, Piper was standing at the edge of a cliff, with strong winds whipping together all around her. The trees coming from the forest behind her rustled in the dark. She recognized this place. It was the woods at Camp Half-Blood near the cliff.

“Hush. They know nothing,” She heard a voice that sounded human say from somewhere on her left.

“But-” A second voice was cut off as a screech woke Piper up.

“LACY WHERE DID YOU PUT MY PERFUME?” The old head counselor of the Aphrodite cain, Drew Tanaka, screeched.

“For the last time Drew,” Lacy said, “I did NOT take your perfume!”

Piper sighed. How she wished she could just be the daughter of Athena, or heck, even Demeter! Then she wouldn't have to deal with this. Alas, you can’t change your parents so she was stuck as the daughter of Aphrodite and the famous Tristan McLean.

She walked out of the building, deciding to just stay out of that situation. Maybe Jason could help her. He was her boyfriend after all. Her choppy brown hair flew around her face in the breeze. She reached the Zeus cabin and knocked on the door. In the doorframe Jason’s blond hair laid atop his head like a crown, and his blue eyes shined even more then usual today. He broke into a big grin when she saw her, and the little scar on his lip rippled ever so slightly.

“Hey Pipes!” He greeted her as she walked in. Jason closed the door behind them.

“So… What’s on your mind?” He asked her. Piper sighed.

“I had a dream,” She confessed. Piper took a deep breath before continuing. “I was on the cliff near the woods, and the winds were very strong. I heard a human like voice  saying ‘hush, they know nothing,’ and then another voice said ‘but-’ and then Drew’s screaming woke me up,” She finished explaining. “Don’t ask why she was screaming. You don’t want to know,” Piper added as an afterthought.

Jason laughed. “Okay. If I start having dreams I’ll tell you. You tell me if you have more dreams, too. This sounds serious,” He told her, thinking to himself.

“Deal,” Piper said to help figure this out. She left the cabin and went on to her normally scheduled activities. Far too soon, it was time for lights out.

This time, she was stuck on a floating island, with no land in sight. It was strangely civilized. A woman with regal facial expressions and flowing white robes appeared next to her.

“Aphrodite,” Piper said with no emotion whatsoever. Hey! This was the goddess of love and beauty, her mom! She had a right to dislike her.

“Yes child,” She replied, “I need your help.”

Piper wanted to laugh. Hadn't she helped the gods enough?

“With what?” Piper asked her instead.

Aphrodite took a deep breath before replying “My magic scarf was stolen.” Piper kept staring at her before signaling her to go on.

“I need you and that son of Jupiter-”

“Jason. His name is Jason Grace,” Piper interrupted ”Go on.”

“Okay. I need you and Jason to get my magic scarf back,” She finished. Piper just stared at her mom. She came to the decision with herself that she would, only because this lady could kill her with a simple hand wave.

“You leave now,” Her mom replied.

“But-” Piper started. She didn’t even get to choose to go or not!

“You will have everything you need,” Aphrodite finished as Piper began to wake up. She sat up and noticed she and Jason had been transported out of camp.

“Where are-” Jason started before Piper shushed him.

“My mom. Explanations later, first we find some shelter,” Piper said, while she stood up. Soon enough, they were sitting in a hotel lobby, and Piper had just finished explaining things to Jason.

“So, your mom wants us to get her magic scarf back,” Jason asked for clarification.

“Yep,” Piper responded. She knew Annabeth had told her that on her first quest, they found one of Aphrodite’s many scarves, and that one was currently in the attic of the big house. This one was way more dangerous to whoever finds it. They set off with no lead whatsoever as to where it was located.  After walking for a few hours, they sat in a park bench in exasperation.

"We looked everywhere!" Jason said.

"Well, technically we haven't searched California, Virginia, Maine, Colora-"

"Okay okay I get it Pipes," Jason laughed. Piper smirked. One point for her zero points Jason.

"Lets keep searching," Piper said with a smile to Jason.

They both got up and looked everywhere else. No such luck. Piper didn't get it. Aphrodite made it sound like she knew it was still in New York, but not underground. Unless...

    "APHRODITE!" Piper shouted to the sky. A few passersbys gave her weird looks but shrugged and moved on. The goddess appeared next to them. All of this had startled Jason, who had no clue what was going on.

"You figured it out I see," Aphrodite said with no real emotion. Piper however, was still mad.

"Why? Why did you make us do this pointless quest?"

"My dear, it was to send you on a small date! You can't go without a quest so I issued you two a fake quest for a date! It was perfect!" Aphrodite was squealing like a teenage girl at the end.

"At any rate, it's time to go back."

Piper paused. "Wait."

"What is is?"

"I had a drea-" Piper started.

"That was me trying to scare you. Seems like it worked." Aphrodite said, a little too quickly. Before Piper could kill her, Aphrodite teleported the two back to camp.

"Well, I guess thats the end of that" Piper said to herself as she waited for sleep to take her in the Aphrodite cabin. "At least it's not another great prophecy..."

Little did she know.....

Alright. Hello there! It's me, Sasha. So, I was going through my old works and discovered I had written this for English last year. I decided to edit and post it. What do you think? Should I continue it? Let me know! I'm honestly proud of it even though I wrote it last year and I felt rushed. Oh well. Sasha, OUT!

Word Count: 996

Piper McLean And The Faked Quest (Jasper One- Shot) Where stories live. Discover now