I¦Secrets Of The Past¦

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ALMOST A DECADE HAD gone by, six years of pain and sorrow were too slow to pass, to allow all wounds heal. Fame and wealth had been acquired, but not the value of forgiveness and moving on. The knife cuts were still fresh, the blade scars were still there. The emotional war which had left her battered and scarred continued. Altamira still felt vulnerable, no matter how much wealth and power she had acquired. It was not easy forgetting it all, she went through enough for two lifetimes but she still found a way to move on. The constant fear was still buried in her as she wanted to forget everything that the darkness had consumed whole. She fell into delusion wishing she could pull herself out. It wasn't just impossible. It was almost very impossible. The fallen leaves from the thunderstorm swirled underneath her bare feet. She could hear the whispering of the untamed river where her daughter's joyful screams echoed monotonously. It was a tug to her heart each time, Santana would roll on the fallen autumn leaves scattered on the ground, her feral untamed brown curls spread on the ground. Her laughter echoed into broken sounds as she was being chased. Sometimes, she wondered what it would be like to have Houston's golden brown curly hair and his chocolate eyes that glittered when emotional. Houston, that 'I don't care', pretty face as Adelaide would call him was the next thing held dearly to her heart, she loved him so much when they were growing up that losing him would be unbearable for her, but it was ironic that he was gone and she was standing. She had always blamed herself for what happened to him, if she had discharged him the way she did, he would still be here and then she thought of him again. Altamira with tears glittering in her grey eyes, nostalgia getting close to its climax, her thoughts drifting to the one person, she had tried forgetting for ten years, startled as a hand placed on her shoulder squeezing it almost painfully.She turned to see who it was, and it was the remnant of aged glorious beauty, her aunt Miranda had sat on the bench she was on.A sigh escaped her red full lips, placing a manicured hand to her chest, she said softly, Aunty, you scared me. Aunty Miranda smiled sadly —a sad smile that never escaped her lips as she gave her one of those looks. For a woman who stuck with her niece almost all her lives, her arms had received so many broken stories, shaken by the weight in which her niece had carried. You only get startled, when you are deep in thoughts, Altamira. She smiled. Altamira hated the fact that her aunty knew her too well. There were just things she wanted to mask away from her but no matter how much she tried. Her aunt who had watched her go through an emotional roller coaster just knew. Nothing, She breathed against the cold.That is if 'nothing' equates to what happened. Aunt Miranda said plainly. Aunty, please don't go there. Altamira whimpered, her eyes glassy. She didn't want to hear of him because every time she did, painful memories from the past came washing over her, wishing that she had undone some things she had done. Anguish, tears and grief amalgamated into her veins and crushed her to nothing, she held onto them because from them she could seek comfort. Of all the years, she had cried in the hush darkness, masked the real pain in joyous light pretending everything was alright but some how a few people always figured it out. One day, Altamira, They managed to zero into the distance focusing on Santana as she ran on the fallen leaves imitating a princess, slowly getting lost in each other's thoughts. we will have the fight our inner demons, we can't run forever. Altamira glanced at her slightly surprised. Provoked at her gentle outburst of words, she let out an angry hiss.Aunt Miranda met her eyes. You've been running away from the past for so long, I let you because you were hurting so bad, but if you don't treat your wounds, how do you expect them to heal? Her brown eyes had a teasing glint in them that asked rhetorical questions as her lips.


THE MOON SAILED ACROSS the midnight filled with stars, a black starry velvet blanket enveloping him as he watched the fireflies dance with the air, black smoke evaporated from his cancer stick as he took a long drag. This was going to be the death of him, he was told severally based on the accounts of how many he smoked a day. He simply didn't care. Smoking gave him solace. It was almost distracted him for hating himself every time for losing her. He hurt her in very way, made her whimper at every sight of him. He was stupid enough to want to see her crumble until she was nothing. And he didn't know why. Taking another drag, he stared at the moon hiding behind the grey clouds. Tonight was clear —starry but clear and that managed to get him confused, the moonlight bathed the balcony in which he stood leaning on the railing. He wondered where she was, how she was. If she was well or perhaps dead. His heart clenched painfully at the thought. He discarded the thought immediately filled with hope that she was fine. He could hear the door open and the sound of feet walking to the railing. He spared Adenine a glance before staring into the milky way. From the corner of his eye, he watched her look up. They were both lost, something passing through them each unable decipher but for some reasons best known to one another. I know you miss her, his sister said.He took his eyes from the blanket of stars and glared towards her direction. I know you know where she is. And I am not going to tell you, her hands on the railing tightened. She sighed against the cold. Words of air spiralling out of her lips. You've done terrible things And I regret them! He gritted his teeth, the cold silence enveloping them. Their conversations over the years especially about her had always been in vain leaving him close to anger and his search for her infutile. But never once did he try to find her because he didn't plan on going back to Bel-air to where it all started. When it is all said and done, you will have to deal with it. She grimaced and with a sympathetic shake of her head, she left.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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