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Hey lovely readers, it's time for new chapter.

Again sorry for spelling mistakes and grammar ones.

Also this chapter is dedicated to my old friend who recently joined wattpad and is writing new story.


Monsters are real and ghosts are too. They live inside us- and sometimes they win.

-Stephen king.


After Michael left, all I could think was to run away and hide in Derek's arms. A longing for his warm embrace burned my insides. I quickly got up on my feet, haphazardly collecting my books I made my way to my locker. History class was the last one so that means I was already late, across from the empty hallway, I saw Derek pacing beside my locker, cracking his knuckles. His expression kept on changing from blank to furious and from furious to concerned. I walked towards him, my feet nearly gave up when I reached him, my legs gave up the instant his arms reached my waist, "Baby"  his worry laced voice echoed around me. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a comforting hug, whispering soothing words while rubbing circles on my lower back to calm my trembling figure. After few minutes of our embrace, he slowly pulled away, searching for any hurt sign on my body, holding my gaze, warm tears threatened to spill from my eyes. "No baby doll. Whatever happened, don't you dare cry, don't you dare spill those precious tears of yours." he commanded, tighting his hold around me. His warm breath send soft tingles from my neck to my whole body. I loosened myself completely in his touch, completely ignoring the fact that I could stand on my own two feet. He supported me, just like old times, stuffing my books in my locker picking me and my beg up he made his way towards the car. I wrapped my legs and arms around his waist and neck, burying my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his wonderful scent. His hold on my body loosened a bit as we reached his car. Opening the passenger door, he slid me in carefully tugging me checking the seatbelt. While he slipped in driver's seat, revved the engine, pulled out of the parking lot and sped down the unfamiliar road. I struggled to keep my eyes open, but failed. Closing my eyes felt so good, all my days activity played in front of my eyes, but all I could remember was Michael's dark and dangerous face which was replaced by Derek's handsome and comforting one. His chocolatey orbs gave me most comfort, one look, one loving look of those orbs made me forgot all my worries, all my demons and monsters run away when I look him in the eye. I placed my hand on his whitened knuckles which gripped the steering wheel tightly, without opening my eyes. Softly rubbing my thumb over them, I gently grabbed his hand and bought it to my lips, kissing his white knuckles. Opening my eyes I looked at him, his eyes showed worry. "I am fine baby. Just wanna sleep."  I whispered, my eyelids felt too heavy to keep me conscious. I didn't wait for his reply as sleep took over me.

'Mike,you came son.' an old man patted the young boy's back as he entered the office. The young boy bowed, before taking the seat in front of the desk.

'Always at your service, sir.' the young boy spoke as they settled.

'Good, good. As you know Mike you are the youngest hunter.' the old man addressed him,'So heres' your new task, you will shadow my daughter, you will act as her boyfriend. Keep an eye on her and engage wherever you think it's necessary, use any methods to make her fall for you.' he ordered as the boy nodded. 'Then you can start from now, everything you need is in this file.' he handed him a black file. 'Yes sir, thank you sir.' The boy nodded and turned around as soon as his gaze met mine, the floor beneath my feet disappeared. Those same icy blue eyes gazed into mine, dirty blonde hair perfectly combed to a side, while his wicked smirk shattered my world as I memorized his foul ways to lure me in, to fall for him. I didn't even notice him stalking towards me. With his each step forward I took steps backward. 'You cannot outrun me, you are mine.' he roared, raising his hand to grip mine. Fearfully I stumbled a bit as I felt a strong grip on my ankle, yanking me downwards. A sudden yelp escape my mouth as I began falling in deep slumber, immense darkness surrounded me taking me through the unknown routes of inferno. All I could feel was hot and sweat, along with my fastened heartbeat. All of the sudden I saw a faint light beneath my feet, along with few muffled voices. Out of nowhere I found myself standing in a closet. I raised my hand to open the door but cringed back when I heard someone yell,'Why? why dad? After all these years, you still want her to suffer? she only carry her face? it's not like she loves any wolf or in this case mated to one.' a man yelled, throwing his arms in the air. 'But I know she'll be like her.' another one bellowed. 'No dad you are worng. you are punishing my baby sister for what Evy did.'

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