Are you falling for him?!

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You're trying to catch you're breath

Y/N: *panting* I'm- sooo so-rry i-m lat-e. *Catching you're breath* I was trying to find this class but, I had a hard time. This school is bigger then my old one you see all the class rooms are close to one another...

*Gets cut off by teacher*

Mrs. M: I'm sorry but, I'm trying to teacher a very important lesson here. Are you suppose to be in this class?

Y/N: Ah, I'm sorry. This is Mrs. M's class for American history right?!

Mrs. M: Yes

Y/N: Then, yes, I'm suppose to be in this class. I'm Y/N, this is my first day here.

Mrs. M: Ah, you're the new transfer student. I thought you weren't suppose to come here for another week or two?

Y/N: Well, my parents wanted me to get here as soon as possible.

Mrs. M: Ok, go ahead and take a seat behind YanAn. YanAn please raise you're hand so Y/N can see where you are.

You see him turn and you're heart starts to beat out of you're chest. He was so handsome with his beautiful and fluffy soft hair with his big brown beautiful eyes. You just stood there admiring his beauty.

Mrs. M: Um, Y/N are you ok?

Y/N: Oh, um yes.

You then walk to you're seat.

YanAn: Hi, Y/N I'm YanAn, welcome to you're new school. I'll guarantee you'll like it here.

Y/N: Uh, Than-k you

You sat there admiring his beautiful face and gorgeous smile.

Mrs. M: YanAn and Y/N please face forward and stop talking please. You'll be able to socialize later.

Both: Sorry Mrs. M.

As you both faced forward you couldn't stop thinking about YanAn.

*Whispering to yourself*

Y/N: Snap out of it Y/N, you can't like anyone, especially what happened with Jason. You could never trust or go out with another guy not after what he did to you. You possibly couldn't like him, could you?!

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