my other baby daddy part 1

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Today was they day Renee baby daddy was coming to give her other daughter back to her and it would be the first time Trey and him met

Today was they day Renee baby daddy was coming to give her other daughter back to her and it would be the first time Trey and him met

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This is Damon he Renee first baby daddy and he 22

He was the first person to ever fall in love with Renee

And it all happened in 8th grade


In 8th grade

Damon:hey bae
*he kissed her*

Renee:hey um we really need to talk about something

Damon:ok what is it

Renee was just walked around his room so nervous

Renee:well um I'm kinda...

Damon: pregnant?

Renee:how did you

Damon:I told you I know you better than anyone and I found it in the garage

Renee:well how you feel

Damon:I really don't know but are you gonna keep it

Renee: that's what I've been trying to figure out

Damon:well just know I'll be here by yo side no matter what

She kissed him

Renee:so what are we gonna tell everyone

Damon:do Tati and Lanae already know


Damon:ok then we don't need to tell anyone nothing but are parents


After they have the baby they had very different ideas

Renee:I can't wait for California

Damon:what are you talking about

Renee:I'm going to the high school in California aren't you

Damon:I'm staying in New York
and I thought you was too

Renee:I mean I could stay if...

Damon:no it's ok you should go I don't want to be holding you back from this

Renee:well I mean I guess we do got all summer together right

Damon:yea but I'll miss you

Renee: I'll miss you too

He tried to break the silence

Damon:so who's going to have Paris with them

Renee: right umm... I'm not sure but my cousin can

Damon:you mean Michelle

Renee:yea that way she could still be here with you and I could just come for like every birthday and Christmas maybe

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