Chapter 1

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Felace was sitting in her room, listening to music, when she suddenly felt an ache in her head. The ache wasn't the normal kind though, it felt like something inside her skull was trying to punch its way out. However, Felace was used to this. It was just an everyday inconvenience to her. She winced for the moment it happened, but then just brushed it aside. No way that headache, so to speak, was going to ruin today. Today, she decided, would be the day that she would confess her feelings to Amarae.

She began her trek to Amarae's hive. As she walked, she felt that ache again. It was persistent today, of all days. She wondered if she should wait until there wasn't a banging in her head, but she decided to continue on. She was determined to tell Amarae today, and if her issue revealed itself, then so be it.

Felace eventually reached Amarae's hive and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Amarae's mom, Feferi. "Oh, hi Felace! Did you come to sea Amarae?" she asked.
"Yes," Felace replied, "Is she here?" Feferi smiled and opened the door wider so Felace could enter.
"Yes, she is. She's in her room." Felace smiled and responded, "Thank you." She practically ran to Amarae's room and knocked on the door.

There was a minute with no response before Amarae opened the door. "Oh, hey Felace. Sorry for taking so long, I was working on something and had to save my progress." Felace gave her a small smirk,
"I'm guessing this 'thing' was related to a video game?" Amarae chuckled before walking over to the spot she had been in before Felace came over.
"Yeah, trying to get a new high score." Felace entered the room and closed the door behind her. She then felt another sharp pain in her head and she tried not to wince. She'd really prefer to not scare off Amarae. "So, what brings you over here?", Amarae asked as Felace sat down beside her.

Felace suddenly felt a rush of anxiety fall over her. "W-well, you see, I...I just thought I should...f-finally tell you something th-that I had been meaning t-to tell you fur a w-while now..." As Felace spoke, she twiddled her fingers, blatantly showing how nervous she was. Amarae could obviously see how nervous, and almost uncomfortable, Felace was. Amarae put one hand on Felace's shoulder,
"Hey, don't be scared. Whatever you want to say, just say it. Blurt it out, if it helps. Y'know, like ripping off a bandage." Felace nodded and took a deep breath in,
"Amarae, will you be my matesprit?!" Immediately after the words left her mouth, she took a breath in and held it. Amarae was taken off-guard, but smiled after a minute of processing what just happened. She then placed the hand that had been on Felace's shoulder, down onto her hand. Felace, feeling Amarae's hand on her own, released the breath she had been holding and looked Amarae in the eyes. Amarae then gave her response,

Felace's face lit up as she hugged Amarae with so much force, that she nearly knocked her over. Then, Amarae, just to goof around, said, "Honestly, I was wondering when you'd finally ask!" Felace laughed as she released Amarae from the embrace.
"Sorry, just...scared, y'know?" Felace knew that there were a couple of things scaring her about confessing her feelings to Amarae. Now that she'd done it, and not been rejected, only one thing still scared her. Amarae smiled childishly at Felace,
"What was there to be scared of?"
Felace chuckled awkwardly, "Well...rejection, duh!" This was followed by more awkward chuckles from Felace as she began feeling the aching again. However, rather than just one pound in her skull, there was pound after pound after pound. Each one increased in intensity.

Amarae, noticing Felace's strange behavior, put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey...Felace, are you okay?" she asked. Amarae recognized this behavior, it's how Felace would act before running off. However, Amarae wasn't going to let her run this time. She wanted answers. Felace strained to respond,
"'s just...I just...realized...I...have to use the bathroom!" She began leaping up, preparing to dash out of that hive. Before she could, Amarae grabbed her arm, pulling her back. Felace looked back at Amarae, "Amarae, what are you doing?!" Amarae tugged on Felace's arm,
"Keeping you from running away again, that's what!" Felace was now panicking, knowing she didn't have much time left.
"Amarae, please, you don't know what you're doing! I purromise you that if I stay, you won't like what you see! So please, let me go!" Amarae kept tugging,
"No, I want to know why you keep running off, seemingly out of nowhere!" Felace wanted to protest further, but the pain in her head was too much to bare now. She held her head with the one free hand she had, and screamed in agony. Amarae was getting scared now. She started to think that she probably should have listened and let Felace go. Felace fell to her knees as her vision began to blur. She then, eventually, blacked out. Amarae shook slightly as she reached down toward Felace, "F-Felace?..." She shook the now unconscious Felace, "Felace, what happened? Can you hear me?!" Amarae now regretted not letting her run.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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