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Summer was coming to an end. I was finally back home after a long time at camp. Camp was very...eventful?😏. Camp was not an all girls camp. There were plenty of ones at that. I even had to share a bunker with one of them.

His name was Jaden. The one I shared my room with. He was hot as hell. As soon as I saw him I knew that there was something there. I just couldn't place it.

*On the first night*

Abby's POV

I had arrived at the camp, and gotten off the bus. I was showed to my bunker and walked in, only to see my roommate standing there only wearing a towel around his waist. I immediately closed the door. Why did I just do that? I'm such a dummie!

All of a sudden the door opens. "Can I help you?" the boy asked. I was at a loss for words. "Oh. Um. No. It's just that this is my room...too." I stuttered out as I held up the slip with my room number on it. A look of realization hit his face. "OHH! Then come in please!" he said, as he embraced me in a hug. Oh... I followed him inside.

It was a cute room. Pictures on the walls and a fireplace. The beds looked comfy. I saw his stuff on one of the beds so I set my stuff on the other. He disappeared into the bathroom then comes out in a pair of basketball shorts. I caught myself staring and stood up and held out my hand. "Hi! I'm Abby." I said. He stared at my hand and pushed my hand to my side. "No need to be proper! We're roomies! Cone on, Loosen up! I'm Jaden!" he said. I smiled and looked down, "sorry." I said shyly. He huffed and said, "No matter what you do. Don't say sorry to me. It makes me feel weak. Understood?" I nodded, and he left the room.

He is soo hot. Geez. I don't think I'll be able to control myself around him.

I decided to set my stuff out in the room, then I found a picture of my family. Tears began to brim my eyes. My father looked so happy in this picture. He was always a happy person, or at least that's what he made us think. Me and my older brother always got along. He was a nice boy. We always loved my father. My dad was a kind man. When he passed my life felt like it was gone. Like I should go too. When he killed himself...everything changed.

My face was now soaked from tears. I was just staring at the picture rubbing my thumb over my dad in the photo. I was  sitting on my bed with boxes all around me. Crying. I didn't even notice he had walked in the bunker.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned look. I was pulled out of my trance and as I looked up, I realized I was crying. I quickly wiped my tears and got up and ran into the bathroom. Why did I just do that! Fuck. I'm so fucking stupid! I didn't even realize he was standing there. How did I not hear him?!!?

*knock, knock* I heard on the wood.

"Are you okay?" I heard from the other side from the door

"Oh, um, yeah. I'm fine!" I tried to say enthusiastically but I said it sniffling.

"I don't think you're fine."

"I am. I swear."

"Ya's not very nice to lie to people. Especially when you first meet. Don't want tt leave a bad first impression. Do ya?"

This man didn't even know me but was acting all nice. How am I supposed to be rude. I can't be rude to him. "Okay...I'm sorry." I said sniffling.

"Hey! Don't say sorry to me."

"Um. Okay so- okay." I said as I remembered what he said earlier.

"Can I come in?" he asked. I said yes without thinking. He came in and grabbed me off the floor and pulled me into a giant hug. "You're fine. Just save the tears for me princess." he said. "You may not know me very well yet. But you will." he said confidently.

Jaden's POV

Some girl walked in on me when I was drying off. Not to mention, but she was absolutely gorgeous. The door then slammed back closed. Who is she?

I went to open the door and the same girl was there with an exasperated look on her face. "Can I help you?" I asked. She said that this was her room too. Well fuck.

I immediately knew that I should let her in. "Well come in please!!" I said trying to sound enthusiastic. Then I leaned in and have her a hug. We need to be formal with each other, right? After I changed my pants I soon left to go see Julie. My girlfriend.

When I came back, Abby was crying. I don't know how to deal with crying girls! Should I leave and pretend I'm just not here? No! I can't do that dummie! I finally sputtered out the words, "what's wrong? Are you okay?" I didn't even get an answer. She ran to the bathroom. I could hear her calling herself a dummie. I decided that I needed to comfort her.

*one week later*

"Are you coming?? Lets goooo slowpoke" I yelled to Abby. We were going to the park to see to our friends. We both knew some people at the camp. So we talked to them frequently.

"I'm almost ready!!" I heard from the bathroom.

"Really? 'Cuz that's what you said ten minutes ago." I said in a sarcastic voice.

Who knew that after this night everything would change?

Hi guys!! Thanks for reading. I will publish as much as I can!! I know this was short and sucked but it will get better I promise!😉

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