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Jasmines POV:


That's all I've done for the past few years. I ran and killed rouges. You see I am a hunter, I hunt rouge werewolves as a job. Sometimes the council will call me and ask me to kill a big group of rouges for a bigger bounty. I know, your thinking me, a 17 years old girl, killing a group of vicious, blood thirsty wolves by my self. The thing is I am one of the most feared hunter in the world by wolves and humans. But lucky for me I thought this through and always were dark glasses so no one knows who I am and I can still live a some what normal life from time to time.

My names Jasmine Beltimmer, but as a hunter I go as Ace, I have chocolate brown, waist length, wavy styled hair, I have blue eyes and bright pink lips. I'm the youngest and most feared hunter in the world. and no I'm not just being cocky I'm just... stating obvious facts?

My brother Kyle is also a hunter and he goes by the name dare.

Any ways I first started training to be a hunter when I was 6 years old . I know what your thinking, why would a 6 year old be learning to fight and use knives and guns rather than being at the park or going to play dates. Well to answer your question it started when...


Third persons POV:

6 year old Jasmine giggles as her 12 yr old brother Kyle chased her around the house pretending to be the tickle monster. Jasmine runs into the kitchen and hides behind her mom, who was making lunch for Jasmine and Kyle.

" Not in the kitchen" her mother scolded.

Now she had come out from her safe haven and was running to the living room where her dad who was sitting on the 3 seater couch watching football. Her dad let out a low chuckle as she jumped on to his lap and buried her face in his neck in attempt to stay protected from Kyle by her dad.

The next part happened all to quickly, there was banging and yelling from the other side of the front door. Her dad shot strait up and told Kyle to take Jasmine to 'the hiding spot'.

Jasmine had no idea where or what the hiding spot was but she could tell by the way her dad said it, with lots of worry, desperation and ... Fright? Jasmine had always thought her dad was fearless, he wasn't even afraid of the tickle monster.

Any ways after her dad finished explaining to her brother what to do he took off, Jasmine, not knowing what to do she asked her brother where the hiding spot was. Then as if breaking out of a trance his head snapped towards her direction. With that he grabbed he wrist and pulled her towards the downstairs washroom. Then there was a blood curdling scream.

She and her brother froze.

It was their mothers.

Quickly Jasmine turned around and ran to the kitchen were she had last saw her mother, when she got around the corner she came to a sudden stop and held in a gasp. Her hand flew to her mouth realizing they might hear her. She looked back up at her parents dead body's laying under 4 large wolves.

Frightened she ran back to her brother who was waiting for her at the bathroom door. Once she was inside Kyle shut the door and locked it shut. Turning around he opened the cupboard under the sink and took out all the cleaning supplies. He then opened a smaller door in side that was attached to an tunnel, probably big enough for her brother to crawl through. Then he turned back to Jasmine and said she had to crawl through the tunnel to lead the way and only turn left, then he handed her a flash lite and said to hurry.

Jasmine took off crawling and following her brothers orders to only go left, only stoping to make sure her brother was still there.

Once they came to the end of the tunnel they reached another small door which Kyle was told led to the barn, from there they were supposed to take one horse and ride to the run old chocolate factory at the edge of the border and tell someone named James what happened and who they were. With Kyle already tought how to ride a horse for racing they'd be there in no time. Well maybe 3 days, but hey! it's still quicker than most people.

Once they were there they asked to speak with James, at first the guards wouldn't let then in but James had been walking by when he heard his name and went to the place were the sound had come from.

When he got there there was a girl and a guy who looked very similar and familiar. so seeing the guards giving them trouble he went over and said "Someone said my name?"

The girl looked up with huge bags under her dull lifeless eyes that you could tell we're once filled with happiness, there was dirt all over face, clothes and hair, she looked like she had not eaten for days.

Then turning to the boy who looked very similar to her, James saw he was in the same condition.

Then the little girl spoke up just above a whisper and sobbed

"My mommy and daddy were killed and they said to come talk to you."

James looked at her in shock then asked her

"Who are-were your parents?"

This time it was the boy who spoke

"Reana and David sir" he spoke in a raspy hushed tone.

James looked at the two before saying

"I'll get someone to get you guys showered, some clean clothes, and food before they bring you to my office so you can tell me what your parents wanted me to know."

With that he turned around and spoke to a lady before leaving and letting the lady help them.

After the talk in the office they had officially become hunters in training

End Of Flashback




















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