Daddy's Only Learning

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Gabriel played with the boy and his blocks as he told his nightmare to marinette. "It was scary..."

"I know baby." Marinette stroked his cheek and kissed his lips.

Gabriel smiled softly at her. He blushed.

Adrien entered at that second. Louis looked up at him and giggled. "Dada!"

"No I'm dada." Gabriel pointed to himself.

"Dada!" He made grabby hands for Adrien. Louis curled up in adrien's grip, seeking his warmth and his soft voice. "Dada..."

"Yes buddy?"

"Read me a story." He whimpered.

Adrien nodded and took him outside.

Gabriel looked at his girlfriend. "Why is he calling him dad?"

"He had to have someone to look up to."

"Yea but my son?" Gabriel frowned.

"Aww someone's jealous!" Marinette squeezed his cheeks.

"Stop." Gabriel muttered, annoyed.

"Admit it you're jealous!" She teased.

"I am a bit because I'm daddy."

"No, it's papa. Only I can call you daddy." She winked.

Gabriel turned bright red, and kissed Marinette's lips. "Shut up."

Mari giggled and ruffled his hair. "Don't worry, he'll learn to love you." She snuggled into Gabriel. "I can't believe you're a grandpa at this age." She giggled.

Gabriel blushed. "I don't control that."

"Well baby..." She smiled.

"I know I know."

As night approached, Gabriel was drawing in a notepad in his office. There was a full bottle of warm milk for when the baby woke up. He began to fall asleep when he was awaken by the first cries he had heard from his son. He jumped up and picked up the screaming child. He began to feed him as he had been instructed and watched him drink the milk with teary eyes. "Oh my someone's hungry." He smiled and set the bottle down, and began to burp the small child.

The boy smiled, pretending to be well before regurgitating milk onto Gabriel's face. He clapped, proud of himself.

Gabriel blinked silently then laughed softly. "You little rebel." He went to go clean his face and came back to clean the baby up. He smiled and cuddled him, taking him to the nursery room next to the master bedroom. He set Louis down on the crib. "Night night." He smiled. He covered him up gently so he wouldn't choke himself accidentally in his sleep.

Louis stared up at him wide eyed. He made some spit bubbles then wiggled around, throwing the blanket off of himself.

Gabriel sighed mildly annoyed but put the blanket back on him. "Now, sleep." He smiled and turned off the light.

Louis put his fist in his mouth and stared at his father. He heard Mari giggle at the scene. He grumbled.

"Oh don't be such a grouch, he's just a baby." She stroked his cheek.

Gabriel let out a small sigh and kissed her hand. "Ok, ok. You win." He laughed softly and kisses her cheek.

Louis babbled, wide awake.

"Sing to him."

"Do what?"

"Sing to Louis, Gabe."


"He likes lullabies."

"Well... I'll try.

Rock a bye baby
On the treetops
When the wind blows
It might make you fret
But just remain still-

"Gabriel I sing a lullaby not murder his ears." She giggled.

Gabriel turned a bright red. "I hate you." He muttered playfully.

"No you love me..." She teased.

Gabriel smiled and kissed her hand.

"Gabriel... Can I have a word with you in our room?"

Gabriel nodded and walked with Marinette to the bedroom.

Mari stood in front of him as Gabriel awkwardly sat down to match her height. He saw her raise her hand and slap him across the right cheek.

"What'd I do?" He whined.

"Gabriel, I'm not stupid. The two years you were unconscious there were no Akuma attacks! Suddenly you're awake and they start again!"

Gabriel gulped. He knew what accusation was coming.

"Are you hawkmoth?"

"Yes." He looked down.

Another slap.

Marinette gathers a pillow and a blanket, then shoves it to his chest. "Sleep downstairs! I don't sleep with a leeching parasite!" She shoved Gabriel out the door. He walked down to the living room and sat on the couch annoyed and frustrated. He saw nooroo come out of his pocket. "You ratted me out didn't you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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