Finding Hades a Consort

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I wanted to take my revenge on Hades. I wanted feel like I always did, powerful. He had called me earlier telepathically, telling me that he wanted to meet in no-man’s-land and talk. I turned up, unlike him. Or so i thought. As i started to walk away i felt a strong power surge wrap around me and turn me around harshly without my consent. Soon, I came face-to-face with Hades. His face was all drawn and sunken in, deathly pale and scrawny and his eyes were fully black, no white at all, he appeared only 21 but i knew he was heaps old. I looked behind him for any sign of my best friend, but she wasn’t there.

“Where’s Persephone?” I asked him angrily. He smirked evilly and gestured towards the ground that we were standing on,

“In the underworld of course,” He replied cockily. I could feel my power starting to act up and I knew my face had gone incredibly blank, my eyes going completely white, I needed revenge, I hadn’t had any for a while and I was starving. He could tell and with a look of horror, quickly launched into an explanation to avoid my wrath.

“Persephone will remain with me, as I wish to have a consort and no one wants to be mine willingly because of my power and where i rule, so I decided to take what I should have and she just so happened to be standing around, I brought her with me to my domain to be mine.” He finished with a self-satisfied smile.

Now, don’t get me wrong, he shouldn’t have kidnapped my best friend, but I kind of felt bad for him. Being Nemesis, the Goddess of revenge, that’s hard to feel. He needed to feel my wrath. Kidnapping one of Zeus’s children is a highly criminal act and revenge needs to be taken. Not to mention Persephone already had her lover, Cronus. He had been heartbroken when he came to me telling me that his mate had been taken away from him by the one and only Hades, he asked me to take revenge on him. Or anything that could possibly bring his sunshine back to him safely.

“Hades, Persephone is one of the daughters of Zeus and already has a lover, a consort if that is what you want to call it. And they are heartbroken about this, if you don’t release her, I’m afraid that I’ll have to punish you.” I said calmly, trying to keep my powers from breaking free and attacking him.

He seemed to be thinking, but I knew he was just making himself seem civil.

“I have a condition, I know you don’t bargain or make agreements but I know she’s your friend, I also know that you’ll do what I ask you to, to free her,” I nodded, silently telling him to carry on, “I’ll release your friend on the condition that you go to the human world and find me a consort, one that is beautiful, tough and a wildcat, she has to be fitting to rule the underworld with me. In other words, darling, she has to be a bad ass.” He smirked, which I can assume, he thought made him look sexy.

He had dropped his formal-ness a bit and I started to consider his words. Me, go to the human world? That’s not allowed, the rational part of my mind cried. But I could feast on all the criminals there; I could take my revenge on every wrong-doer and be fully satisfied all the time, the other, more devious part screamed. Zeus wouldn’t allow it, he’d be furious, the rational side kept fighting, throwing arguments against going. But just as I was about to reply, an image of Persephone ruling the underworld, being depressed and unhappy without her Cronus popped into my head, and before I could even process the thought, my decision was made.

“I’ll do it.”

Finding Hades a ConsortWhere stories live. Discover now