Hi, my name is Rydel. Rydel Lynch. The R5 Family is great. As you know I've been touring for about 3 years now? And finding a guy has been extremely hard. I've been surrounded by 6-7 guys at a time, who's gonna want to come up to me? Ross always says he's not protective or doesn't have to be, but the truth is he really doesn't have to be. I've had my crushes on Ell here and there, and I still kind of do. But I feel like that's something that will always happen. It's just something about us. But I can tell you one thing, Ellington and I were never once a couple. We considered it but we figured it'd be waaaaay too weird. I consider Ellington as my brother, and I wouldn't go date Ross. The flirting on stage and twirling and pranks on each other and the songs together are just best friend things. I've never really had a best friend that was just a friend, and it feels kind of nice to be able to do this :) you see, all my life my brothers have been my best friends. I didn't mind it when I was like 8...