Time of the Kings ONESHOT

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"So much work..." I say to myself while I was sitting at my desk. Everyone had left to celebrate Christmas, but I was stuck here finishing my work. Only one person was still here with me, "Fushimi-Kun...why are you still here?" I say to him while I heard him typing on his computer, He sighs, "I don't want to go home..." I sigh as well, "Why? Isn't your boyfriend living with you?"

"Yes Misaki lives with me, but when he sees me he'll be mad..." Fushimi-Kun says, "Well you have to leave...you can finish tomorrow...you can't work when you are distracted by something else.." I see that Fushimi-Kun pauses to think, "Well then Sir, I'll leave..." He gets up, closes his computer and leaves. I closed the door after he left and I go again sit at my desk to finish the work that I had started.

. . .

When I finished everything I look outside through the window I had in my office and I could see It was pretty much midnight, so I put on my coat, my white silky gloves, and blue ocean scarf on while I was turning everything off at Scepter 4. I walked outside, where everything was pure-white, everything was filled with snow. 

I could see my breath while I was walking home. I was getting ever closer to my house and I could sense something warm, almost frightening but not quite It was more like warmth and I knew what person could have such a foreboding aura around him, "Mikoto Suoh..." He was in my house and I could sense it. Just thinking about the heat and Mikoto, a smile was creeping up on my face.

If he's in my house, he must already know what I want..I sigh and I walked up to my door, I was just about to knock when Mikoto opened up the door and grinned, "I knew you were coming Munakata..." I chuckled, "Really?" He nods, "Yea I could sense your cold sorry ass, from here..." I roll my eyes, "You know I hate the cold..." He was grinning way too much, which I didn't mind,I stepped passed him and I went to the coat rack while I was taking everything off, my gloves, scarf and finally my coat.

I then took off my glasses,so the fog could clear up. After a while I put them back up. I was finished with everything and I was heading to the kitchen when I felt two strong hand embrace me from behind. I already knew who It was, "Suoh let me go...I have to go make us some dinner..." He still didn't let go, instead he turned me around and kissed me passionately. 

I was getting warmer and warmer by the second, so I wrap my arms around Mikoto's broad back. He slipped his tongue in my mouth.

Our tongues started dancing wildly in a fiery passion. I was running out of breath fast. Mikoto noticed this and we parted, I was breathless, he was grinning, I was still embracing Mikoto, but I was confused, surprised, and most of all flustered, "W-what..was that for?" He holds me even closer, "I wanted to warm you up...and this was the only way I know how..." He was still smirking, We stayed like that for a while longer.

 After he had let me go, I started making dinner, or mostly a snack since it was technically midnight. After I finished with our 'Dinner' I called Mikoto, "Food's done!" No response, "Hey Suoh! Don't make me come up there!" Again no response, I was getting pissed off, so I went up to my room which that's where Mikoto was most likely.

When I opened the door, I saw Mikoto peacefully sleeping, all the anger I had vanished at that instant. I come up to him and I ruffled his hair gently, I then kissed his forehead softly as to wake him up, "Suoh~..dinner's ready...wake up.."

 I whispered sweetly in his ear. He grumbled, "Five more minutes..." I sighed, and I softly and gently leave a peck on his lifts making him open his eyes. He widens his eyes a bit, but then he gras my cheek and makes the kiss a bit deeper, but it was still a light kiss. We part and he yawns, "The foods ready?" I nod, he gets up and lets out another yawn while walking down the stairs towards the kitchen.

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