The rabbit hole

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Over the next couple months Jessica pushed me further and further into femininity. First it was wearing her panties at work, then her blouses, then we replaced my wardrobe with all girl clothes, and I got my own makeup. She asked me to grow my hair out, and once it got long enough, she asked me to use extensions. Then I dyed my hair blonde, just cause I wanted to. After that I had specific exercises to do to make my body more feminine. A week after me admitting to being trans, she had me on estrogen and testosterone blockers. She didn't FORCE me to take them. She made them available to me, and I took them willingly.
Those weren't the only changes. In the bedroom, she had become the queen. Sex was so much better, sometimes lasting for a full day, of you counted all the teasing. Every day that she worked and I didn't, I met her at the door, collared and dolled up, being as sexy as possible. She didn't ask me to, I just did it. I had become her pet.
Jessica was at work, for the next couple of hours. But today marked 6 months from the day that this all started, and I wanted to thank her. I was sitting at our now shared vanity, going my makeup, taking my time and doing it perfectly. I was already wearing my ears and collar, at this point the only time I took them off was when I went to work, got in the shower, and went to bed.
I finished my makeup and pulled a pastel pink push up bra and a sexy pair of pastel pink panties. I pulled on a matching garter belt and stockings. I grabbed a pair of six inch heels and placed them by the bed. I didn't put them on, so that way when Jessica got home she would be taller than me since she was wearing heels, but I wanted the close to the bed so I could put them on for her when she wanted me to.
I needed one more thing to finish the look. I pulled a long box out of my closet, it had come in a couple days ago, and I didn't want Jessica to see it before I was ready. I opened the box and pulled out a long tail that matched my cat ears. I bit my lip and looked at the end of it. It was a stainless steel butt plug. Jessica had been using using small toys on me lately, but I had never had anything inside me for an extended period of time.
I positioned the tail and gently pushed it to my ass. It slid up easily, and I moaned softly as it did. It felt way better than I expected. I stepped in front of the full length mirror and smiled. I looked damn fine. I swung my bow wider hips from side to side, making the tail swish back and forth. As I watched it, my cock slide out from between my legs, where I normally tucked it, and got hard, making a sexy bulge in the front of my panties. I bit my lip and debated on spending a picture to Jessica, but I decided against it, because I wanted to see her face when she saw me.

Hey babe, I have a surprise for you when you get home ;)

Oh? What is it princess?

Well I can't tell you!! It wouldn't be a surprise otherwise. Plus I want to see your face when you see it.


Noooo >_< please dont make me

Fineeee. I'll be home shortly.

I smiled. She may be my mistress, but she didn't make me do anything I didn't want to. I waited for her to get home.
Finally. After what seemed like forever, Jessica pulled into the driveway. I quickly turned off the TV and rushed into the bedroom, so she didn't see me before I wanted her to. I heard the door open. "Princess! I'm home! What's this surprise?" I waited until I heard her out her things down and start walking toward the bedroom. I ducked in a quick breath and stepped out of the bedroom. She noticed me immediately, and her jaw dropped.
She just starred at me, her eyes going up and down my body, but she wasn't saying anything which was making me nervous.
"So what do you think?" I asked nervously. She quickly closed the gap between us, grabbed my hips, leaned down and kissed me, with a lustful force.
It felt incredible. She was still wearing her heels, so I had to tilt my head back and lean up to kiss her back. Her hands slid from my hips to my ass, pulling me closer. I wrapped my arms around her neck and enjoyed the moment. After a blissful eternity, she pulled back. "Princess, you look like a goddess. If I didn't know better I'd think you were a natural girl," she paused for a moment and gently rubbed my cock, "but you are wayyy sexier with this." I bit my lip and looked at her. "You really think I'm sexy?"
She smiled and kissed me gently. "Absolutely. You are my sexy kitten. Now. I'm going to get changed, wait here like a good kitten."
I smiled and sank to my knees. This is what she ment by 'a good kitten.' She smiled, turned and walked away. I watched her as she left, she had a fantastic ass. She closed the bedroom door behind her so I couldn't see what she was doing.
As I waited for her to come back, I played with my tail, adjusted my bra, and retucked my cock. After a couple minutes, the door swung open, and Jessica strode out. She was wearing an outfit identical to mine, only black, and she was wearing the heels. In her hands she had something long and pink, I couldn't really tell what it was.
I watched her as she sashayed over to me, eager for what was to come. "Sit up kitten." I sat up on my knees, so that my entire body was positioned over my knees. I gently started to run my fingers up and down her leg, feeling how soft and smooth it was.
She lowered her hand toward my neck, and at first I thought she was going to try to choke me, which I didn't want, but instead, she clipped the pink thing in her hand to my collar. It was a leash! She must have seen my eyes go wide, because she smiled. "You can hardly be a pet if you dont have a leash babygirl. Now be good and crawl." With that, she started to walk away, pulling the leash behind her. I followed quickly in my hands and knees. I knew she couldn't see it. But I triesld to shake my ass as much as I could, just to feel sexy and make my tail swish.
We went into the bedroom, and when she stopped, I stopped in front of her and sat on my knees. I had sat right by my high heels, so I quickly strapped them on. Then I looked up at Jessica, and I just couldn't help myself. I started to kiss my way up her leg, and once I got to bare flesh, I started to use my tongue. Once I got to her panties, I continued licking, getting my tongue under them as much as I could. "Babe, what are you, mmmmm oh God. Never mind, continue." With that I gently grabbed her panties with my teeth and pulled them down. Once they were on the floor I started to kiss my way back up her body. And just like before, once I got to bare skin I started to use my tounge. I worked my way back up to her pussy and started to eat her out. I know I was doing well because she kept moaning, and she pulled my hair back into a pony tail. I started to look up at her, and for a couple moments she just kept her head up, but finally she bent over and looked at me. We made eye contact, and as we did so I slide my tounge as far inside her as I could, and her knees buckled.
"Oh fuck baby, just like that." I did what I was told and kept doing it. It didn't take me long to get her to cum like that. She moaned really loudly and her knees buckled again. She squirted a little bit on my face, but it didn't bother me.
I sat back on my heels and looked up at her, waiting for further instructions. She was panting a little bit. After she caught her breath, she finally spoke. "Hot damn kitten. That was incredible. I was going to wait until the weekend to give you a reward for being so good. But I think after that, you deserve it now. Sit on the bed like a good kitten, I left the box in the car, I'll be back in a minute."

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