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Caspar's P.O.V
I'm going to be honest, when Joe ran upstairs and never came back my heart sank. I don't know why I feel like this, I love Demmi! Anyway, I'm as straight as a ruler! To prove my point I have to have some fun ( 😏) "Hey babe, why don't we go to tell the other to go and we go upstairs and have fun?" I whispered in Demmi's ear seductively. She shivered as my breath hit her body. She smiled and nodded, so that's exactly what we did. I'm going to be honest, I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. Something just didn't feel right. It just didn't feel the same.

Joe's P.O.V
Hearing Demmi moan in the room above me broke me. I was heading downstairs when Caspar came downstairs with Demmi in his arms giggling and sex hair. I can't put up with this anymore....I'm moving out. I need to tell Caspar but I'm only doing it by text because I'm a wimp and can't bare to see his face. He's going to Demmi's tomorrow so I'm going to pack and leave then. I need somewhere to stay. So, I went through my contacts to see who will let a complete failed like me stay. As I stumbled across Frankee's number I hesitantly clicked it. After a couple rings her loud voice rang through the phone. "Hey!" I smiled and started speaking "hey Frankee! Erm I need to ask you something" the line was silent, I sign for me to carry on. "Well, can I maybe stay at yours and Connor's house for a while?" "Sure why?" She replied. I could hear the frown on her face. I sighed in relief but continued anyway "I..I'm in love With Ca...Caspar."
Hey guys! Yes I still do update this book and No I'm not going to delete it :) but anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Will moving In with Connor and Frankee work out for Joe? Found out In the next chapter 😜
All the love,
F x

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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Sinking love--Jaspar Where stories live. Discover now