Chapter 1

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It was a night just like every other night, quiet and peaceful. Families retreating back into their beds to get some well-deserved rest after the long day. That includes the family Dote, which consists of the hard-working wife and mother Kasandra, the loving husband and father Derek, and of course there lovely, six-year-old daughter Asha. Living together happily like they are invincible to the outside world. Time could only tell if they really are as secure as Kasandra and Derek think.

That night was like any other night, Kasandra came back from work while Derek was cooking dinner and making sure that Asha was not destroying anything, not that that would be anything new in the Dote family. Asha liked to destroy things and chase wild cats or dogs when her dad or mom were not looking. She just saw it as an innocent game to have some fun, but Derek and Kasandra were ever so slightly worried about her new found "hobby" of wrecking things like the furniture. It always looks so sad when it is in bits and pieces when Asha is done with it. After their dinner and after chatting about their day and how school was for Asha, they settled for a nice movie before bed. When Derek and Kasandra finally got Asha to bed and that she would stay in bed, they tiredly plopped down on their own bed and almost immediately asleep.

Unbeknown to the sleeping people upstairs there was rummaging by their front door, somebody was trying to get in. When there was a click from the lock, the person lockpicking the door slowly opened it, the door made a screeching sound as if to alarm the citizen of the house that somebody was about to enter into their house. Low and behold nobody would wake up from that sound, and nobody would know that there was anybody apart from them in their house. The intruder and their masked friends walked into the house slowly, not to make a sound, but the house would have none of that. So, the floor beneath them peeped loudly as they stepped into the completely quit home of the family Dote. The masked men stopped in the hope that the inhabitants of the house would not hear, and luck was on their side at that moment.

They continued to go deeper into the house, not in search of valuable items, but rather looking for its inhabitants. First, they split up to see if there was anybody or anything to indicate that this was indeed the right house. Two men went to the living room, seeing nothing out of the ordinary apart from a soft blue couch that was a complete wreck, but aside from that everything seemed to be normal. With the white rug and the beautiful wooden table, there also was a little fireplace above it there were photos of a very happy looking family of three. Anything that you could find in the homes of ordinary people. Then the two went into the kitchen there was a lingering smell of some kind of cuisine, the kitchen itself was decorated with expensive looking equipment with grey and white tones. The hallway they went through when they first entered the house had a blue undertone to it, the whole house had that undertone to it. It was quite the lovely house with its relaxing atmosphere. They spoke in hushed whispers about what they found and they were indeed in the correct house with the right family even if it did not seem like that at first glance.

The house made one last effort to wake up the family of the danger they were in right now, a squirrel from outside came into the house and threw over a vase without the thieves noticing at first. When the vase fell it made a loud clattering sound. Derek woke up from this and realized that it was cold inside the house as if a window or door to the outside world was open. He slowly opened one eye and heard whispers from downstairs. 'There are intruders inside the house.' he thought. He went over to wake up his wife and tell her that there were people inside the house. She was just as worried as he was, worried that her worst nightmare might have come to life.

The two slowly stood up and went to the door to open it slightly to hear the intruders better and to see what they looked like. When they peered down at the man it was like their whole world came crashing down on them. They found them after six years of hiding and changing identity, they still found them. Kasandra and Derek thought the same thing, to get Asha as soon as possible out of the house. Kasandra walked slowly to the room of their daughter through their white and now eerie hallway to make it to her room. Derek in the meanwhile was on the lookout if the men below would make a move to go upstairs any time soon.

Kasandra slowly entered the room of Asha and woke her up carefully and with a sad smile on her face. Asha asked, "Mom, what is going on?" Kasandra only replied with a small smile and said: "Come you need to go, let's grab your backpack and get you in your clothes." Asha did as she was told, normally she would question why, but the look on her mom's face told her enough and she kept quiet and gave her a small nod. When she was fully dressed and had her backpack strapped to her back her mom led her to the window or the emergency exist in this case.

In the meanwhile, Derek saw the masked men grab their guns and they gradually made their way to the staircase with their guns loaded. Derek ran silently to the room of her daughter to tell his wife that they were approaching. Asha saw her dad rush into the room with a worried look that her mom tried to hide but he did not even try. "Darling of mine, please go now it is not safe here. Just promise me that you will leave and not come back again, no matter what." She whispered to her crying silently at the end. Asha looked up at my dad and he nodded to Asha to listen to mom and she did. she just gave her a small nod, as mom and dad hugged her for what felt like the last time. Her sweater was getting damp of her parents and Asha's tears. She slowly made her way to the window to climb out of it. Normally she liked to climb out of her window for fun but now she could only feel sad. She gave them one last wave and then was out of their sight.

The footsteps became louder as the first went into the room of Kasandra and Derek even though they were weeping about their daughter in her room. Asha was running toward the forest, with tears sting in her eyes while she was running. The door of Asha's room was kicked in as Kasandra and Derek were bundled up while their faces were tear-stained, with looks of fear in their eyes. The one to kick in the door yelled "Where is your daughter! Where did you hide her!" The question was answered with silence as the man gave the order to just shoot them as they were worthless to them now anyway.

Five gunshots could be heard by Asha and anybody that was close enough, she fell on her knees as a loud sob left her mouth. She was hunched up of the fear of has what happened and what was going to happen. The room once beautiful and clean was now a murder scene, blood spattered everywhere and two people who were clinging on to each other, with blood flowing out of them to create a puddle beneath them.

The man who seemed to be in charge loudly ordered the rest to light the house on fire as there was nothing for them anymore. The men put gasoline everywhere around and in the house and chuckled loudly when they put it on fire. Satisfied with their work the left, without Asha sadly as that was there mission. They would catch her another day.

Asha now lying on the ground of the forest crying saw a bright yellow red-ish light, when she saw where it came from and what it was, al her hope was destroyed that she would ever see her mom or dad ever again. She went onward through the forest, her face still stained with tears and her clothes dirty for the ground, her eyes were stinging with tears that wanted to be shed, but she had no time for that. Her knees and legs wanted to give up from underneath her to just lie there to die. She could not do that she promised her mother that she would go somewhere safer. Asha's whole body ached to go back to the house where all of her memories were but she just continued to walk away slowly. Feeling the heat of the burning house on her back. She promised that she would never come back and she would do so. So, she walked through the forest aimlessly with only the words of her parents and her limited supplies in her backpack to look for a place to live for now.


Heyy, so right now I am rewriting this sort of abandoned story, but don't worry it is going to be better now the story at least, I have a plan and everything and all the chapters are also going to be a lot longer. So enjoy.


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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