Chapter Eight

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I leave the guys' house and go to mine.

I start to do my homework as I get a text from Kai.

Hey can you and Mina meet me and Chanyeol at the park please? We have something we need to tell you guys.

I text back.

Okay cya then.

I call Mina and when she reaches my house, we leave to go to the park.

When we get there, we see Kai and Chanyeol sitting there.

Is Chanyeol finally gonna confess? He better...

"Hey guys!" Chanyeol yells at us. We jog up to them.

"So why did you wanna see us?" I ask.

"So... It's.. Bad news...." Kai says.

My heart immediately dropped.

"Okay?" Mina asks, tears already visible in her eyes.

"We have to leave earlier than we thought..." Chanyeol says.

"How much earlier?" My voice cracks.

"Like.... Tomorrow...." Chanyeol says, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Wh- what?" Mina says as tears fall on her face too.

I grab her and hug her as she sobs into my shirt. I look at Kai and Chanyeol in concern. I mouth to Chanyeol 'take her over there. Talk to her.'

He hesitates as he finally says something.

"Mina-ah. Don't cry." He says as he grabs her hand and takes her to a bench nearby.

"So... I guess this is it." Kai says sadly.

"Yeah *sniffle* I guess so." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"No. Don't cry Y/N. We can always see each other again and visit." he chuckles.

"Looks like Chanyeol finally told her." He points.

I look over to find them hugging and then they pull away for Chanyeol to peck her lips.

I chuckle. "I guess so..."

"Kai, can I tell you something?" I ask.

"Sure, I guess. What's up?" He asks.

"I l-like you..." I put my head down. "It's fine if you don't feel the same but since Chanyeol confessed I felt like I should..."

"R-really?" He asks.

I nod slowly.

"I-I'm sorry Y/N. I don't feel the same." He turns away.

"I didn't think you did. It's fine though. Can we at least still be friends?" I ask.

"O-of course we can." He says slowly.

"Good. I guess this is goodbye then. Until we meet again..." I say.

"Yeah, I'll miss you." He says as he pulls me into a hug.

"I'll miss you too. *sniffle* I'm gonna go say bye to Chanyeol." I say.

"O-of course." He says as he awkwardly lets go of the hug.

I walk away waving at him. When I finally turn away from him, the tears were let out.

I couldn't stop crying.

I finally reach Chanyeol and Mina and they ask why I was crying.

"I-I t-told Kai that I l-liked him" I broke down again.

"Oh..." Chanyeol says as he pulls me into a hug.

"It's okay. You'll find someone else." Mina says quietly.

"Y-you're right. Thanks guys." I wiped the last of my tears.

"Goodbye Chanyeol. I'll miss you." I say as I wave at them and walk away.

Well that was a disastrous night...

Nothing can make this worse...

A/N: hello! Im actually updating now. But next Saturday I won't be able to because im going to Disney for School so yee. Bye guys!

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