Chapter 1.

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A/N: I know I took forever to update and I'm sorry but as I said before this is my first book and I'm pretty lazy. But thank you for waiting. Don't forget to vote. Enjoy!


Your POV

My name is (Y/N) Midoriya I'm 15 and have a little brother named Izuku. Me and Izuku were on our way to school when a villain attacked the train station.

I hear a roar and then Izuku turns to me with hopeful eyes."(Y/N) can we please go check out that villain before school, it will only take a second". I give him my usual blank stare before nodding. He smiles before grabbing my wrist and pulling me through the crowd to the front where he pulls out his notebook and starts taking notes.

I wasn't paying attention cause I had my bluetooth headphones in and was listening to 'Angel with a Shotgun'.

I was listening till a giant lady came in and interrupted another hero's attack. She was posing sexually for the cameras which made me scoff and glare 'Heros only care about the game and glory not even the people they save'. I was done and quickly grab Izuku's wrist cutting off his conversation and pulling him out of the crowd and towards the school. "Hey, why'd you pull me away?' He asks. Without looking at him I answer him coldly "were going to be late for school".

Time skip~

We were in class and as usual I was listening to my music when the teacher walked in and started talking about our future. "I know I should probably pass these out but what's the point I know all of you want to be heroes". 'I am really annoyed right now because right after he said that everyone started using their quirks.'

Then Bakugou had to open his mouth. "Tch. Don't lump me in with these losers. They don't have what it takes to be a hero unlike me" he said snarky. Boo's and shut up's were being yelled at him but he just had to continue "I will go to UA and then become the number one hero even better than All Might so I can become rich!"

You.Were.Pissed. 'He is just like everyother stupid wanna be hero.' The teacher just had to make today worse then it already was. "The Midoriya siblings are aiming for UA as well correct" he said idioticly. The whole class grew quite as Izuku trembled. Then the silence was broken by the hothead himself.

Bakugou stomped over to us, Izuku was in the seat in front of me and I was in the back row. "What makes a quirkless piece of shit like you can go to UA, you have to have a quirk to be a hero" he yelled at Izuku because even though he's never seen my quirk it's well known that I have a extremely strong quirk.

"A-actually they r-removed the rule t-that says I-I have to h-have a quirk" Izuku says stuttering. 'This is getting boring', I start to zone out but am brought back by a 'thud'. I turn to see izuku on the floor his back pressed against the wall and just to make matters worse Bakugou was standing over him glaring down at Izuku.

"You will never get in to UA so stop trying or I'll have to make you stop" bakaguo says menacingly to izuku. Before Bakugou can do anything else I stand in between both of them with my cold, emotionless expression. I turn to look at Bakugou straight in the eyes.

We have a starring competition before I speak up. "I think you should go sit down before someone gets hurt" I say blandly. He smirks before saying " Your right I should sit down before you get hurt". I sigh before speaking again "maybe I should rephrase that for you, you should go sit down before YOU get hurt".

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