Chapter 6: Trost, Mystery Titans

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~Mikasa's P.O.V~ 

.... Armin said Eren is dead... Armin said everyone is dead... Such a painful sentence... Mina, Thomas, Eren.... they are all dead-

"EVERYONE!!!" I heard a voice screamed from a nearby building. Turning my attention to where the voice came from, I saw... Mina zipping towards us using her ODM gear. Her face was soaked with tears and pain... what happened to Armin's squad..? I stared at the raven haired girl for a moment then walked towards her. She was sobbing uncontrollably and shivering. "Mina? What's wrong-" Before I could finish my question, Mina yelled out loudly, still screaming and crying. "(Y/N)!!! YOU NEED TO HELP HER!! SHE!! SHE IS DYING!! S-SHE WILL GET EATEN I-IF YOU D-DONT HELP HER!!" My eyes darkened. Okay... First of all, isn't she in the defense squad? Second of all... what was my precious cinnamon roll doing out in the offense squad?!

"Mina, which way is (Y/N) now?" I asked, my voice echoed darkly, spreading out a deadly aura that is as thick as the walls combined. Mina looked up at me and pointed to the North. The North.... Most of the titans are there!! My eyes widen and I started to run towards the direction that Mina was pointing. My grip on the handles of the blades increased as I zipped to the bunch of titans quickly. I heard Armin yelled something but I didn't quite caught what he said-

My ODM gear suddenly stop working, making me free fall onto a roof of a building then made me rolled down onto the cold concrete floor. As soon as my body contacted with the ground, I let out a low grunt of pain. It was at least a fifteen meters fall, so no surprise if I broke a bone or two. I looked down at my blades that I was gripping onto, then disappointment crashes onto me like a wave of energy. Most of my blades were broken and gone, the last metal blade I have was... This short and scratched one. I stared at it then raised my hand that was holding it up into the sky. 

Why is the world so cruel and painful? Why can't it be filled with rainbows and... magical things? Why does the world exist in the first place?

I started to ask myself weird questions as I stared at the broken, small blade. It looked just like me back then... a Small... weak child. Can't do anything without her parents... Like that time when Eren saved me from the Black Market seller... He was a shining blade that is dying to protect small, broken ones like me... The more I think about it, the more it hurts. But somehow, I can't manage to pull my mind off of it. It's just... I don't know...

I stared at the sky again and smiled. Thinking of my family. Eren's family that always protected me. Armin that always show me new things... (Y/N) that always make me smile... They did everything... To make me happy. And all I did for them..? Nothing... Nothing at all. Thinking of my friends' faces and smiles, it makes me happy, but sad at the same time. I can't believe that.... Strong people like my friends died.... People like my friends should have lived on... and be happy... not lived on then die off...

This world is a mean, and nasty place...

I started to hear footsteps from my right, I turned my head slightly and see A Titan heading towards me. I didn't do anything, I was not scared, nor I was nervous. I just knew that this would happen... Death is slowly greeting me with open arms.

This world. It's a painful and cruel place...

I closed my eyes and think for a while. Happy thoughts... more happy thoughts.

But just because it's dark and scary

I smiled as my mind was full of happy thoughts.

Doesn't mean that it don't have its own beauty.

I shot my eyes open and sliced at the titan's hand. It's fingers flew off and landed onto the ground, making a thud. It looked down at me and tilted its head to the side. Something was off about this titan... it's short, messy, (H/C) hair was flowing with the wind, having a glowy hue on it thanks to the sun. It picked me up then placed me on a roof then let out a ear piercing scream. Some of my comrades heard the scream and came over. Jean picked me up onto my back and flew away to the highest building, followed by the other friends of mine and his. I turned around to take another look at the Titan. But as I turn around, It was gone. Like it ran away or something.

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