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We had been together for about a month now. We had sort of a schedule, I would go over to his place on Mondays and he would take me out on a date on Fridays. It was cute and the sex was amazing.

It was currently Saturday morning and today was the day my parents got back from their trip. I was super exited to have them back, we didn't really talk much on the phone because the hours were different where they were and where I was. So they didn't know about Luke.

I was currently waiting for the taxi to pull up on our driveway. A few minutes later it did. My parents came in and I jumped on them and gave them lots of hugs and kisses, they did the same.

"How was the flight back?" I asked them, we were now sitting at our kitchen table drinking some tea.

"Good Kate, it was a little bumpy though because its windy outside but otherwise it was nice." My dad said.

"What have you been up to besides school Kate? More reading?" My mom asked with a chuckle.

I put my hand on the back of my neck, "Well actually I have b-been kinda um s-seeing someone." I said with a small smile thinking about Luke.

"Oh?" My father asked.

"Y-yeah, um his name is Luke we have been d-dating basically since you l-left."

"Does he go to your school?" My mom asked with a concerning look on her face. My dad didn't look too happy, he was sitting back in his chair with his arms crossed and looking down.

Technically Luke did go to my school...."Yeah he does, and-d he owns his own apartment. He pays for it all by himself."

My dad had his jaw clenched, my dad never liked the idea of me dating. Even though I was grownup now he hated the idea. I had a boy over once to meet my parents and that did not go well. My dad basically threw him out of the house because he didn't plan to go to college. My mom was fine with me dating, she thought I was old enough and should be getting to know more about how dating and how love works for the future.

"Me and your mother will have to talk about this Kathrine. You should have texted or called us about this." My dad said, which made me angry, I was grownup enough that I could handle myself and make my own decisions.

"No I made this decision all by myself and its going fine, Luke is a responsible man and I really really like him, I didn't need your approval figure that out."

My dad glared at me.

"Will," My mother said looking at my dad, I would have to thank her for this later. "Let Katie be, she is old enough to make her own choices in life. Get to know the boy first before you make judgments on him."

I wanted to hug my mom.

My dad ground his teeth before he let out a clenched "Fine."

I sighed, "Thank you."

"When would you like him to meet us honey?" My mom asked.

"Um I'll ask him when he's free to have dinner or something."

My mother nodded. My dad got up out of his chair forcefully and stomped up the stairs like a little kid having a tantrum.

My mother sighed,"Just let him be for a little bit he will be back to normal again soon, but in the meantime how far have you taken it with this Luke?"

I blushed in embarrassment of what we have done.

My mothers eyebrows raised at my blush, "I see...."

I coughed trying to cover my awkwardness. "Im going to go over to his place to ask him when we should go have dinner together."

"Ok dearie, be back soon."

Dirty Teacher//[MATURE]-DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now