Made in the USA

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Devi was made in the USA. She wasn't that oretty but she was kind of cute  she didn't have the angel behavior but she had that nice girl touch. She was the typical American teenager.

She was 18 years old and she never had a boyfriend. She talked to many boys online and a few offline. She finally knew that boys are stupid and she doesn't need them at that point of her life.

She had no friends and the reason for that is that all of her friends get close to her to date her brother who is the popular, good looking and cool kid in the school. He always bulliea her but the best part of her being bullied by her brother is thst he does it only at home.

And she got broken hearted not by a boy but by a girl she once called "my best friend". She left her alone and forgot her as soon as she became friends with the cool girl.

Devi is a brilliant girl who loved math like her life. And she also loved physics. She wore glasses and she had achnes onnose and cheek bone area.

The school bully called Alison once one year ago when she was a 10th grader, gay since she had no relationship with boys. But Devi didn't even give a damn to what she said. That was why Alison had confidence in saying those things again and again until next year her brother defended her sister by saying "I am the only one who Insults my sister so don't you dare come closer to her. Stay away from her."

Devi knew that Mark, he brother said that to make her feel better but just couldn't resist being cool

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