Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER!!!!!  I DON'T OWN DRAGON BALL OR DRAGON BALL SUPER only my oc and the idea 💡 of this story.... FanFiction.... whatever

☆*:.。. SEKHMET POV ☆*:.。.

"Sekhmet" I heard a soft but masculine  voice but it sounded muffled like hearing underwater.

"Sekhmet, it's time to wake up or would you rather wake up to Lord Beerus alarm bombs?"

I gave a small grunt and started to come to my senses, the voice waking me up was Whis my fathers assistant/teacher and one of my many teachers but he was also my brother figure. Finally opening my eyes at first everything was blurry with sleep sitting up and rubbing my eyes I looked at Whis's face and smiled sleepily at him and say.

"Good morning Whis ".

"Good morning to you as well, I prepared the bath for you your father will wake in a hour or so now please if you would excuse me I have to prepare breakfast and get Lord Beerus" he said smiling slightly.

Nodding my head I got out of bed and stretched once done I made my way to the giant pool that we call a bath tub. Once there I strip out of my nightgown and undergarments I got in and started to relax. After I finished cleaning my body and hair I got out and dried myself summoning my staff and getting changed in my outfit for when I'm relaxing which was only a silk like dress that reaches up to my shins, a blue ribbon like belt around my waist with a shawl like thing around my shoulders with grey black shoes with a gold band around both ankles, once done and dry i brushed my long thick spiky black hair that reached a little below my bottom and made sure my tail was nice and smooth I walked to the dining room.

~~~Scene change~~~

Once in dining room I sat down in one of the floating chairs and looked at the aquarium lost in thought when I felt a lick on my cheek slightly turning my head to find the culprit it turned out to be my little pet Nova, she was a rather strange creature she was like a dragon weasel thing with fairy like wings with my hand I reached to slightly scratch under her chin making her give out a cute "Nyu".

Once in dining room I sat down in one of the floating chairs and looked at the aquarium lost in thought when I felt a lick on my cheek slightly turning my head to find the culprit it turned out to be my little pet Nova, she was a rather strange cr...

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"Good morning Nova you kept out of trouble while i was asleep?"

"Nyu Nyu" she said happily while flying around making me laugh lightly.

The noise startling Nova and making her hide in my hair " Ehh looks like daddy's about to wake up "

BOOM !!!!!

Letting out a sigh I decided to head to my fathers room and see if big brother needed help which I highly doubt, I went flying through the hallways and making my way to the top of the temple. Once there I entered my fathers vast chamber in time to see him fall from one of the floating rocks and crashed into the ground.

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