Part One: Welcome to Maplewood High

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Kyle's POV
When my brother and I had to move and ignore our true power I was furious but what infuriated me even more was that Kai agreed with dad! The nerve! But I had no choice but to reluctantly agree. When I arrived at the school I was less thrilled because we got spotted right away. This big guy with electric blue hair comes up to us smirking. "What are your powers and what are your levels." He said to us in a deep almost melodic tone and strangely I wanted to tell him but I shook the urge away. "We're cripples." I said reluctantly and as I did the guy laughed before grabbing me by the front of the shirt and lifting me up. "Guess it's time to teach you a lesson brat! I'm Jeremy and a few friends and I hate it when cripples come into our turf." The guy, Jeremy, said. But that's when all heck broke loose.

Kai's POV
When I saw Kyle being grabbed by that jerk Jeremy I snapped. Luckily I always carry a bottle of water on me so when he attacked I retaliated and slapped Jeremy with a bit of water hard using the water whip technique my dad taught me. "Leave him alone jerk!" I shouted as he dropped Kyle to the ground. "So you aren't crippled but maybe you are still low-tier. Ones who need to know not to mess with the King of Maplewood High." He said before snapping his fingers and a bunch of others came running. And that's when things went black....

Kyle's POV
When we woke up we were in a brightly lit room. "Before you freak out. Don't. You are in the Clinic after those guys knocked you out." An older guy said to me. And of course we did, things couldn't possibly get any worse...famous last words.....

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