How it began

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"We were chosen, chosen to save the world. We were just kids, how could we save such a big thing? Well your about to find out. It all started on April first, we were all at school, it started out as a normal day, but around 2:30 ish there was a loud explosion coming from the other side of the school, we were all in different sections of the school but we all heard it. The teachers began to panic and run around. They weren't prepared for this, none of us were. Then smoke bombs were thrown into every class room, one by one, the classrooms filled with smoke. I was the last one out in the class I was in, as I was sitting in the back. Kaitlyn was the first out in her class, Rose was 5th in hers, and Grey was I think 6ths. There was smoke everywhere and the smoke was poisonous meaning if we breathed it we'd die immediately. So we had covered her mouths and noses with our shirts. We ran to the quickest exit. In the middle of the school were four doors, one leading from the cafeteria, another from the library, another one from the classes and the last one from the nurse. In the middle of those doors was a small courtyard. In the middle was a fountain, and trees were in every corner. Right when we got out there we all fell to our knees panting heavily. We noticed each other Once we caught our breathes. We stood up and looked at one another, in confusion and unsure. None of us knew each other that well, except for the fact that all of us girls knew Grey. As he was known across the whole state. We walk to the fountain and sit down. There was a deadly silence "What Just happened..." Kaitlyn mumbled, she was the first to break the ice. "I don't know" Rose mumbled. I sigh and look at our 'beloved' school. "We should get out of here. It isn't safe, this clearly wasn't done on accident" I say. "She's right" Rose said standing up. "But where do we go?" Grey Asks. We all stand up. "We should go home and check on our families, make sure their ok, then we'll meet up at riverland park" Kaitlyn said. We all agree and head our separate ways. They went to check on their families while I just went straight to the park, I don't need to worry about my parents.

Roses dads wasn't there and there were not signs of them leaving. Nothing looked like it was knocked down, it didn't look like there was a struggle, it didn't look like anything! It looked normal. The same was for the others. They soon reached the park "T-They weren't there" Kaitlyn said on the verge of tears. "Neither were my dads" Rose Said "Nor my dad!" Grey Said. I kept quiet as they talked/augured. Then they looked at me "W-what about yours?" Kaitlyn asks shyly. "Oh, I don't need to worry for them" I Said. "How come?" Grey Asks. I shrug not really wanting to go into details. Rose seemed to get the hint and turns back to the others. She opened her mouth to say something but we all passed out from an unknown reason. We woke up to what seemed like hours later. We all tried to stand or even sit up but our bodies were weak. I was able to stand up but only to fall back down due to my weak legs. I sat up and looked around. "W-where are we?" Kaitlyn asks. "I don't know" I answered "Hey geek girl, you have you have seen or searched this up somewhere!" Grey Said/Yelled. Rose jumped a bit "N-no actually I haven't. From what Im seeing now is that we might have found a wormhole and somehow survived through it." Rose said panic in her voice. "Really?" I ask looking at the nerd. She nods. We all let out a stiff sigh and look around again. "But I thought that if we were to go into a wormhole we'd be ripped apart?" Kaitlyn said/asked. "No, that's just a thing teachers teach us for a reason, we'd actually be able to go through a wormhole but there would be two of us, one be sent into this world and the other sent into our world" Rose said. "But I doubt that, If that did happen we would have parts of our body's missing" she continued. We look at each other and none of our body parts are missing

"Good point Rose""

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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