Chapter 2 - Encounter With A Douchebag

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Hello ^_^ so this is chapter two, and as i promised it will get better. hopefully this is a step up :)


Chapter 2

I sat at my desk at the beginning of the school day, doodling in my notebook amidst chaos. Everyone around me was laughing and discussing their weekend. I looked over my shoulder at Allison, who was still at the back of the classroom busy socializing with some girls in my class. I guess I could go and join them but I’d probably be out of the conversation, excluded while they discussed boy bands, the ‘FABULOUS’ party on Saturday and the latest spring collection for Hollister. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not totally ignorant about these things. I can talk to people about those topics; I just wasn’t madly obsessed about them. I mean, why did it matter that Michelle Hart from the other form wore a purple knee length dress when her style was a blue mini?

Beats me.

I sighed. Looking over at my French book I’d got out for Allison to copy off, I put it back in my bag. I had to carry it around the whole day especially for her, and now that I had it, she was ignoring it. Well, her loss. She’d just have to manage later. I shut my notebook as my Science teacher walked in hurriedly with her pink woolly scarf trailing on the floor. Her glasses were at the edge of her nose and her hair was untidy, sticking out in all directions – it was a pretty hilarious sight, and I would’ve chuckled if I didn’t get distracted by the dark haired boy shuffling lazily behind her with his hands shoved carelessly in the pockets of his jeans. He was wearing a dark grey hoodie and trainers, paired with black jeans. He had a smooth, set jaw line and his eyes were bright green, moving around as they scanned everyone in the room, including me. His eyes rested on me with a sparkle; like he was trying to send me a telepathic message. Suddenly feeling self conscious, I looked down and got out my science folder and text book. When I looked back up he was staring at Miss Ranger with an amused look on his face while she was trying to get us all to shut up.

“Okay class, let’s get started. I know I’m late, sorry. Hey Kaitlin, get off the table and sit on the chair properly!” she shook her head and gave the class a death glare until they got the message and quietened down.

“That’s more like it.” She turned to the boy, smiling at him hesitantly before glancing at the class. “This is Tyler. He’ll be in this Science lesson from now on, so I expect you all to welcome him.” She paused briefly before setting down her books on the desk and clapping her hands together enthusiastically. “Now, we’d better find you a seat. Tyler, you will sit next to.....” her eyes narrowed as she mentally assessed who would be suitable. With a twitch I realized the seat next to me was empty. I twisted around to see Allison sitting with the group of girls she was talking to earlier, and shot her an agitated look. She shrugged and smirked at me, glancing towards the new boy and giving me a look that basically meant ‘be glad no one’s next to you, you might get lucky.’ I rolled my eyes and faced forward. My action caught Miss Ranger’s eye and she sharply turned her head in my direction, flashing me a satisfied smile.

“.....Leslie.” I groaned inwardly as everyone’s eyes focused on me. Great. Now not only did I have to be nice to this new kid, I’d have to show him around everywhere and help him.

GAHHH.  I made a mental note to punch Allison later for ditching me and smiled at Tyler, who was making his way to my table.

He flashed me a grin and sat down, carelessly chucking his bag under the table.

"Now that we’re all settled, I want you to turn to page forty eight of your textbook and start making notes on the electromagnetic spectrum. Make sure you include the uses and dangers of each type of each type of radiation.....” I was dreading the topic we were starting on. I hated Physics with a passion. Sure all of my other grades were pretty good, but it was physics in particular that dragged me down. I could just about muster chemistry and biology but physics might as well be a foreign language. I imagined learning physics in another language and almost shuddered.

“Hey,” Tyler said, interrupting my thought cloud. I looked over at him and he was offering me a friendly smile, a dimple forming on his cheek. “I’m Tyler. Leslie, right?”

I nodded. “Do you wanna share a book, since you don’t have one?”

“Uh, sure. Thanks.” He shifted his chair closer to mine so he could get a better look. Keeping his eyes focused on the page he spoke again. “Sharing the book gives me an excuse to be closer to you, anyway.”

I raised an eyebrow at him and he laughed slightly, holding up a hand. “Hey, I’m kidding. Just kidding.” I ignored that and tried to change the topic. “So how come you joined in the middle of the year?”

“Oh, I’m not new. I was in the year above. I got moved down because I had to repeat.” I looked at him in surprise. “Really?” I asked. No wonder he looked slightly familiar.

He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Hey, don’t judge me.”

“I wasn’t!” I protested, kind of offended. Did he think I was that shallow?

“Yeah you were. I could tell. As soon as I say that kind of stuff to people, I can practically see their stereotyping gear into on mode.”

“Oh yeah? And what am I thinking?”

“I don’t know, I can’t look into your warped mind.” I rolled my eyes. “But I do know that we should hang out sometime. You know, like a date.” I just looked at him flatly, raising my eyebrows.

“Right. Can we just concentrate on this please?” I looked down at the page and then at my notes, hopelessly comparing the two and wondering what’ll happen to me. Tyler leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his dark hair, sighing.

“I would if I understood anything.” He waved his hand over the double page spread. “What the hell is this?!” he complained exasperatedly.

For the first time I understood him. “I know what you mean,” I muttered. “This is all mystifying to me too,” I glanced at him. “What?”

“Nothing,” he replied. “You just kinda surprised me there.”


“You seemed like a smart girl. You know, eager to do her work and all that.”

I scoffed. “Now who’s stereotyping?”

He grinned and started packing away his stuff as the bell rang, almost deafening my ears. When I was still shutting my books he was already behind his chair. He bent down so he was at eye level with me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Allison’s eyes widen, and then she smirked as she saw Tyler smile at me sweetly. “Nice meeting you Leslie.” His voice was friendly and amiable. He straightened up to turn around, but mid step he twisted around again to face me.

“What?” I asked.

“Oh, and don’t bother offering to show me around. I already know my way. And plus....” he lowered his voice, his eyes sparkling animatedly. “Don’t stress babe. You’ll get plenty of chances to spend more time with me again.” He winked and grinned at me before sauntering out of the door, whistling. I stared after him in disbelief, not sure whether I should hate him for calling me babe or hate him for leaving me speechless. I decided to hate him for both.

Shaking my head I muttered, “Unbelievable.” Allison stepped next to me, grinning from ear to ear. “He was SO flirting with you!”

I shrugged. “So? I’m not bothered,”

Allison put a hand on her hip. “How could you not be? He’s gorgeous,” I smacked her on the arm. She yelped, rubbing the spot I hit her. “What did you do that for?”

“For ditching me this morning! Because of you I had to sit with him.” I grumbled. Allison laughed and I glared at her.

“Why are you laughing?”

“PER-LEASE. I know you don’t regret it honey.” I continued my deathly stare. “Yeah yeah, stare at me all you want Les, we could all see the look on your face when he –”

 By this time she had stopped talking because I was thwacking the hardest part of my bag against her hip. Her arms dropped in surprise and I ran out of the room, laughing my butt off.


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-S xxx

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