Chapter 7

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Alphys' POV

"Come on Toriel. Answer your damn phone." I mumbled to myself. I was pretty angry that Toriel wouldn't answer her phone. This is probably her chance that she'll tell Blueberry that she loves him. She still hasn't answered her phone. "Toriel. Answer. Your. Fucking. Phone." Every time she doesn't answer, I get madder and madder every second.

"i wouldn't use that language if i were you." I heard a voice that I've never heard before.

"Who the hell are you?"

"language. anyways i'm papyrus. blue's brother. also..." Papyrus came closer to me. Papyrus wore an orange hoodie and brown shorts. His eye started turning orange with flames coming out. "why. did. you. hurt. blue?" He grabbed my armor and picked me up. I wondered how he could pick me up with my armor.

This was my first time being scared. "H-How d-do y-you kn-know?" I was terrified, I don't know what this dude would do to me. Papyrus gave me an evil look and started forming a bone from his hands. "P-Please d-don't k-kill me! I-I'm sorry!" Papyrus' eye turned normal then placed me down gently.

"very well then. never hurt him like that again, got it?" I nod my head. Papyrus then left inside the lab. I was still scared of him. He tried to kill me! Pathetic. I shouldn't have fought him, but I didn't. I was being a big wuss. I heard my phone ring.

"Hello Alphys! It's Toriel. What do you need?" Finally she answered her damn phone.

"Well...Undyne is inviting us all to watch Anime with her. It's also a welcome party to the skelebros."

"Skelebros? There's another one?"

"Yes. That's Sans' brother...Just get over here."

"Alright. I'll come as quickly as possible." Toriel hung up the phone. She better come. I went inside of the lab to see what everyone's doing. Undyne was getting some movies ready with some snacks. Sans and Papyrus were talking to each other and spoke a little bit with Undyne. I don't like Papyrus, but I have to get used to it. Sans is practically with Papyrus all the time and Sans is my friend. I don't want to break our friendship because of his brother.

"A-Alphys! What c-can we w-watch?" I didn't know what to watch.

"I guess we could watch 'Mew Mew Kissy Cute'." Undyne loves Mew Mew and I love it too. But I'm probably not going to pay attention to it, I'm going to pay attention to Sans and Toriel. That may seem wrong, but I've got to. I want them to confess their love to each other.

"Anybody home?" Finally Toriel came. It took her about 10 minutes to get here.

"Y-Yes! Come, T-Toriel!"

Toriel walked towards me and Undyne. She hasn't noticed Sans and Papyrus yet. "Where's the skelebros at? I want to see Sans' brother."

"Over there but..." I whispered in Toriel's ear. "Be careful with the words you say. He'll watch you." Toriel looked confused and walked away. I was worried that Papyrus might hurt Toriel in some way.

Sans' POV

"Papyrus! She said she was sorry like two days ago! Why can't you trust her?" Papyrus and I had an argument about Alphys hurting me. She apologized to me and I apologized back. What more does he need?

"i'm sorry blue but i just can't trust her. she almost killed you! i'm giving her a lesson to never hurt you like that again." I gave one of my looks that Papyrus should trust me. He can't resist saying "no" to me. "alright, alright. just don't let her...hurt you. alright?" I was so happy that my eyes turned to big blue stars. Papyrus was laughing that it made me laugh as well.

"Hello Sans!" I turned around and saw Toriel. I stammered with words. Some of the words couldn't even come out. I saw Papyrus smiling at me, I started to blush when he kept on smiling. I wished that he wasn't here right now.

"H-Hiya Toriel! Umm...h-how's everything?" I stuttered. I felt totally embarrassed because Papyrus was there. Papyrus already knew that I've fallen for the queen, but I lied to him.

Toriel giggled. I loved the way she laughed. "Everything's fine." She spotted Papyrus. "Is this your brother Sans?" I nodded.

"why certainly. i am papyrus, blue's brother. you must be the queen, toriel. am i correct?" I was very quiet. I haven't said a word since Papyrus started talking with Toriel.

"Why yes! How'd you know?" I thought of the same question as well. I didn't know how Papyrus could get these lucky guesses. He always say, "Lucky guess, I guess," which I know he doesn't guess. He probably has some magic that has the ability to know everything.

"lucky guess, i guess." Papyrus glanced over his shoulder and saw me. I guess he wants me to go or something. "welp. ima go see if there's any honey for me to drink. see ya." Papyrus left me and Toriel alone. I felt kind of nervous because it's just me and her. Nobody was here with me.

"So uh...what do you want to talk about...?" Toriel spoke nervously. I guess she was nervous like me. But...does this mean she likes me the way I do? It can't be. I must be having another thought in my mind.

"Umm...What was your life like?" Oops. Shouldn't have said that. Alphys literally told me half of her life like a couple of minutes ago. Might as well try changing the subject.

Toriel hesitated, and starting to look sad. "It's pretty boring but...I just want my husband back again...I miss him very much and...and..." Toriel starts to cry. I wanted to comfort her but I'm too nervous right now. She really does miss her husband. I guess having a crush is too childish. "No one is ever going to love me...not after what I did..." I already knew what she did, I don't want to say it.

"Toriel...there's someone out there that will love you. I just know it." I guess what I said was making her feel better. Toriel turns around with tears coming out.

"And who's that 'someone'...There's nobody for me..." I started blushing. That 'someone' was me. I guess Toriel doesn't know that I have a huge crush on her.

"Uhh............just wait.........I guess......?" Toriel smiled. I started blushing more when she smiled.

Undyne came out of her work area. "A-Alright! L-Let's start th-this m-movie!"

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