The Man with the Bloody Finger

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Amy sat upstairs in her bedroom, millions of books stacked at her feet. It had been a few weeks since Amy started studying for her final exams and she was determined to ace it once again.
Meanwhile the TV downstairs boomed so loud that it echoed throughout the house.
' Get 70% off.....' she heard. This meant her parents were watching more ads, the ones where you enter the competition but never win.

Her parents, Hugh and Joan always watched it. Hugh was a fifty - year - old,  tall man with fairly gray hair and a slight goatee. Joan was a 48 - year - old women with short, gray hair and wrinkly skin. Both of them worked at a restaurant, where they both earned a small salary which they always managed to spare for Amy's College funds.

They always watched and entered those competitions, always hoping for a win but it had not happened yet.

A few days later after entering a few more competitions, Joan and Hugh rejoiced and hugged as Amy came down the stairs.
"What's happening? " Amy asked.
It was a Saturday morning and it was unusual for her to see her parents up at eight in the morning.
Joan walked over to her and gave Amy a massive kiss on the cheek.
"We finally won sweetie! " she screamed.
"Really? " Amy asked barley being able to conceal  her excitement."What for? "
Hugh rushed over to his wife's side. " A trip to...Hollywood! " he exclaimed smiling happily.
"We're leaving today....for a week! "he continued. "Pack your bags, they're picking us up at 3 " he said.

Amy stood uneasily at the foot of the stairs, biting her lips.
"Guys..." she started. " I can't come with "
"Why not sweetie? " Joan and Hugh frowned.
"Well. Monday is the college final exams and I can't miss it. I worked really hard to get accepted and I'll loose my spot if I don't show up" Amy said.
"You know what? " High said. "We'll rather stay"
"Yes " Joan added.
"No no no" Amy said, touching her parents shoulders. "You have to go. This is a one in a lifetime opportunity "

"But what about you? " her parents said.
"I'll be fine " she said, giving them both a kiss on the cheek.

The morning passed by and soon it was 3 o clock.
Hugh and Joan had their bags in their hands as a red Rolls - Royce pulled up in the driveway. A tall, Japanese lady climbed out of the driver's seat and greeted them while taking their bags.

"I guess that's your cue " Amy said while standing at the door,  smiling back at her parents. They hugged for a while before her parents climbed into the car as it pulled out of the driveway and drove away.

It had been 2 hours since High and Joan left. Amy sat on the couch while watching her favourite show ' Glamour Girl's. That's when the landline rang and Amy jolted up after almost falling asleep.
She answered it immediately, hoping that it would be her parents.
' I am the man with the bloody finger....' it said on the other side. '.... Standing outside your house '
Then he hung up.
Amy walked over and took a quick glance outside her house. The street was empty as usual except for a passing car every 5 minutes. She saw no man, closed the curtains and went back to watching TV.

A few minutes later, the landline rang again. She answered,  less enthusiastic than before. Again she heard the same voice.
' I'm the man with the bloody bloody finger walking towards your house'
Amy began to get scared as the sun set and night fell. She went upstairs into her room to study.
Halfway through the studying, she got another phone call. Her Nokia rang from under the pillow and yet again she answered it.
' I am the man with the bloody bloody bloody finger entering your house '

She realised that she had never locked the door. She heard it slightly open and ran to close the room door.
Once again Amy's phone rang.
"What do you want? " she whispered. " I'm not even home" she lied with tears in her eyes.
' I am the man with the bloody bloody bloody bloody finger looking for you in your house '

Amy climbed into her closet, warm tears rolling down her cheeks. She still had her phone with her.
After 20 minutes, she was about to climb out when she received yet another phone call.
' I am the man with the bloody bloody bloody bloody bloody finger entering your room'

She couldn't handle it anymore. She bust into tears, while still being quiet. Then she got a quick text message:
I am the man with the bloody bloody bloody bloody bloody finger opening your closet door'

Slowly she glanced up from the screen, the closet door slowly creaking open.

T⃠h⃠e⃠ E⃠n⃠d⃠

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